Chapter 29: Seeing Fiona Again (and coming out)

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I was finally going to see Fiona for the first time in forever!!! She moved to Canada in February, and I haven't seen her since. She was flying in from Canada for my bat mitzvah. She was flying to London directly from Vancouver and staying with me and Natalie. She had texted me her flight number (through WhatsApp, of course) and I put it into my phone. "You still have your British passport, right?" I asked the morning before she was supposed to arrive.

"Yeah. I'm not sure if I should go through the 'UK Citizens and Permanent Residents' line or the normal visitors and new immigrant line."

"You're still considered a citizen in the UK, right?"

"I think so, I have to ask my dad."

She texted me back a little later.

Fiona: going through UK citizens' line

Liz: YAY!

Eight hours later, I was in the car, heading to Heathrow to see Fiona. She didn't have anything to declare at customs, so that cut her customs wait time down a lot. Nat and I were standing at the bag claim for Fiona's flight when Fiona came running over. She had taken three inches off her wavy ginger hair, was wearing a "I❤️LONDON" T-shirt with jeans, got her ears pierced and had a tote bag with the Canadian flag on it. "FIONA!!!!!!!!" I squealed.

"LIZ!" Fiona squealed and we started hugging like crazy.

"It feels like forever since I last saw you! How's Vancouver treating you?"

"I just finished lower secondary school and for upper secondary school, my dad helped me get into a STEM school!"

"That's amazing!"

"Who took over for Anita when I moved?"

"This girl named Acadia. She was adopted from South Africa. You'll really like her."

"I can't believe my dad let me come fly here alone for your bat mitzvah!"

"Girls, can we get Fiona's bag? You can finish catching up in the car." Natalie butted in.

Fiona and I both groaned. We then headed to the car, then called the normal chat. Millie, Bailey and Acadia all picked up. "Guess who's in the car with me!"


I nodded. "FIONA IT'S BEEN SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Millie squealed.

Acadia piped in, "That's Fiona?"

"Yep Acadia. It's me!" Fiona replied.

"Can I PLEEEEEEEASE say hi to Fiona quick before I have to go?" Bailey pleaded.

I put my phone into Fiona's hands. "Hi Fiona! How's Vancouver? And your eight-hour flight?" Bailey asked.

"My dad's letting me start at a STEM school in the fall! I've always wanted to be an engineer, not an actress. He's now letting me follow my dreams!!"

I then told Fiona how I dropped out of Maccabi (her jaw dropped as I said that), my bat mitzvah party (she was especially excited about the dress that Gabriella designed for me that I'd receive on Friday), and that Grace (her favorite alternate) was leaving, and that Collette was taking her spot. "Natalie, I know I'm staying with you and Liz, and where am I sleeping?"

"You're going to room with me for the week." I responded.


We got back to the flat, and I was about to come out to Fiona. "Fiona, you probably don't know this, but...I'm lesbian. Please don't hate me."

"No no no! You're still my best friend."

Natalie poked her head in. "Liz?"

"Yeah Nat. I'm lesbian. Please don't kick me out!" I panicked.

"I am not going to kick you out. Also, I knew." Natalie replied.

"You knew?!" I exclaimed.

"Yep, and I even got you something."

She came back in with a lesbian flag! "Surprise, kiddo!"

"Thanks, Mom! I love it!"

OMG OMG OMG I just called Natalie Mom, I thought. "You just called me Mom!" Natalie exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes.

"It kind of slipped out, I am so sorry." I whimpered.

"Don't be sorry, sweetie. It's a good thing!"

"And it took me six months."

"Alright. Who wants tea?"

Yeah, I just had to squeeze that in there. Bat mitzvah will be next chapter, I promise.
Thanks for reading!

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