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Alpha's, beta's, omega's.

It is crazy to everyone, but me.

Being a werewolf isn't always the easiest things in the world, but as long as it isn't a full moon, I'll manage.

I mean of course I have my moments, but most of the time I can control myself. Except when I'm really angry, sad, annoyed, pissed... you get it.

I was born a wolf, so thankfully I already had a pack, my family... God I miss them.

I was starting to fall asleep when I heard someone come in. I never sleep at my house these days.

Well, it's what you call a house. It's a wrecked home. I haven't been there in 6 years. Too many memories, too many people died.

I sleep in the same house as my best friend. I've known him since forever, but when the house burned down, man, it took a toll on me. Everyone died, except me, my older brother, sister and my uncle.

My brother left, my sister did too and became the Alpha, my uncle was burnt and left to rot in a facility and I was hiding here.

We are called the Hale family. A century old family that is wrecked with one fire. I wasn't home that day, I was here at his house, so I couldn't have known.

Hunters killed my family. That's what Derek said before he left. "Don't trust hunters Celia," he said before he left. He dated one, he should know.

My sister Cora had died, my other sister left with my brother, but they both came back after 6 years. My sister, Laura disappeared recently. My brother, Derek came back for our sister, not me, no, why would he? My family is gone, dead.

I think Derek hates me. He doesn't like many people and he use to like me, but now? I think he dislikes me so much it's hate. Laura called me sometimes. Every night after the full moon she called and every time I asked about Derek. After 4 years I stopped answering her calls.

I thought, maybe if I didn't answer they would come by and talk to me, to try and be my sibling again.

Derek hasn't even reached out to me, not in 6 years.

It makes me want to cry, if I were honest. Derek was always my favourite sibling even if he's mean, but he's funny when he's trying to act tough and emotionless.

"Celia, are you asleep?" The soft voice of my best friend asks me and I shake my head. Scott McCall, the dork I can call my best friend.

"You should, it's late." He whispers and sighs. We go to the same school and have known each other since kindergarten. When my siblings left Beacon Hills I stayed here with Scott.

Thankfully they let me stay in their house. I think it was a temporary decision, but Melissa grew attached and kept me.

I know it sounds like I'm a dog... but I kinda am too.

We sleep in different rooms though, but days like these make me wanna crawl in a corner and cry. Scott knows that, he notices it immediately when I need him.

"It hurts," I whisper and open my eyes to reveal his worried brown eyes. "I know it does," he says and hugs me. I start crying and cry into his shoulder.

It usually starts in the afternoon. I pay less to zero attention to what's happening around me, I break things or smash things in frustration.

And then at night I break down.

Scott was with me the entire time when I was trying to break my textbook. He gently took it out of my hands and hugged me.

I close my eyes and lean against him, starting to cry again. I can't get too mad or anything, I don't want my wolf to show. Even though we're best friends, I can't ever show him who's the real me. He'll run for sure.

He'll leave me like everyone does.

~675 words~

The prologue! Don't forget to vote and comment, maybe even follow me!

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