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Lydia was mixing cocktails and Jackson was assisting her

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Lydia was mixing cocktails and Jackson was assisting her. "Jackson, hand me the sulfuric acid," If I mean I have no idea what she just said, I mean I have no idea what she said. I'm failing this class for a reason.

Jackson hands it to her and Allison shakes her head. "No, no, this is insane, you can't do this, you cannot go out there," she says and I nod. "I agree. I'm coming with you," I say determined and Scott shakes his head. "We can't just sit here waiting for Stiles' dad to check his messages," Scott replies.

"You could die! Do you get that? He's killed three people," she says, desperately trying to change his mind. "And we're next," he says and Allison raises her head up, shaking it.

"Somebody has to do something," he says and walks away, but Allison follows him. "Scott, just stop! Do you remember... do you remember when you told me you knew whether or not I was lying? That I had a tell," she starts and I look at them.

"So do you," she whispers and sniffles. "You're a horrible liar! And you've been lying all night, just... just please, please don't go," she starts and shakes her head.

"Please don't leave us, please," I walk past them towards the door and Scott looks at me, but then focuses on Allison again. "Lock it behind me," he says and walks away but Allison grabs him and they kiss one last time.

"Scott, Scott," I say and look at him. "I have to bury my brother," I say lowely making sure no one hears. "I'm not gonna bury you too, I can't," I say and Scott sighs. "Celia, please, if you trust me-" he starts and I cut him off.

"It's not you I don't trust! It's him! Whether you like it or not, you still have a connection with him," I say and Allison frowns, but I ignore her. "Celia, if you trust me, let me go. If we go and we both don't make it, he'll go after them and then we're all dead," he says and I take a deep breathe.

"What if he wants me?" I say in a normal voice and Scott frowns. "What?" Scott asks confused and I gulp. "I'm the only Hale left that can make a legacy for my family. My brother is murdered, my sister, murdered, what if he's out for the Hales?" I ask and he smiles sheepishly.

"Then you're definitely not going with me," with that he leaves and I let a tear fall, but I lock the door behind me anyways.

We sit in a sort circle, Stiles was standing, I was sitting on the table with Allison next to me and Jackson next to her, standing with Lydia.

"I don't get it. I don't get why he's out there, why he left us, and I can't- I can't stop my hands from shaking," she says, her voice breaking at the end. "It's okay," Jackson says and I look at how Jackson takes advantage of Allison. He takes her hands and smiles reassuringly at her.

Lydia and Stiles see it too and I also see Lydia doesn't like it. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay," he says and she nods. "Okay," she says and I look at her.

Suddenly I hear bleachers close and look at Stiles. My eyes widen slightly and I close them, looking for Scott's voice. "What?" Stiles asks quietly and I shake my head.

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