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Scott has informed me that Celia hasn't come home since the accident

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Scott has informed me that Celia hasn't come home since the accident. I'm still worried even though she attacked me. I didn't understand when she said "it was my sister" but now I do, the body was Laura Hale.

She still has so many secrets I have no idea about, even Scott doesn't know. We tried to find her yesterday in the woods but it's as if she disappeared. I hope she's okay though.

Melissa is going to call the police if she isn't back today. Maybe she was next... maybe Derek tricked her into meeting with him and then chopped her in half.

I'm worried. Shit I shouldn't be. She punched me. She hates me. And I still care. "Stiles are you even listening?" Scott asks and I snap out of my thoughts. "Huh? Yeah," I say and nod.

"You killed her?" I ask half accusing, half asking. "I don't know, I just woke up." Scott answers while we're walking into the school. He had a dream he was having fun with Allison and next thing he knows he 'kills' her.

"And I was sweating like crazy, I couldn't breathe, I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before," he says and I smile internally. "Really? I have. Usually ends a little differently," it ends with me having to change in the middle of the night because I dream of girls. Mostly Celia. Sometimes Lydia. I blame it because they both have names ending with 'ia'

"A, I meant I've never had a dream that felt that real. B, never give me that much detail about you in bed again," Scott says and I nod. "Noted," I say and look at him. "Let me take a guess here though-" I start, but Scott interrupts me.

"No, I-I know, you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, you think I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out," he says and I shake my head. That isn't true! How can he think something like that?!

"No- ofcourse not," I say and look at him. Okay, I'm not even fooling myself with this. "Yeah, that's totally it," I say and nod. He's totally gonna rip out Allison's throat out. "Hey, different subject, but have you heard anything from Celia?" I ask and he looks at me, shaking his head.

"No, but honestly I'm kind of done with it. She hurt you, she hasn't seen Derek in like 10 years and suddenly she sticks up for him? It just doesn't add up. Besides she didn't even try and apologise, I'm waiting for that first," he says and I frown. Scott, the boy that forgives anyone, doesn't forgive Celia?

"You're not even worried?" I ask confused. "I'm worried sick. I barely sleep, I want her to be okay but I can't do anything about it right now," he says and I nod.

There is a second of silence before I speak again. "Hey come on, it's gonna be fine alright? Personally I think you're handling everything pretty freaking amazingly," I say supportive and he cracks a smile.

"You know it's not like there's a lycanthropy for beginners class you can take," I say and he nods. "Yeah, not a class but maybe a teacher," he suggest and I frown. "Celia? She'd be horrible at it-" I stop when he shakes his head.

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