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I woke up to kisses

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I woke up to kisses. I groan and open my eyes, yawning. "Hi," Stiles says and I smile sheepishly. "Stiles? What time is it?" I ask groggily. "Ssh, we have time," he says and I close my eyes, not in the mood for this.

I press lips against his, pushing him on the bed and breaking the kiss, putting my head on his chest.

"I'm tired," I say and he let's out a small chuckle. He puts his arms around me and I snuggle against him. "We have half an hour left 'till your alarm goes off," he says and I nod, closing my eyes again. "Okay."

It was quiet for the next half hour, then when we finally had to leave my bed I was grumpy, it was nice and warm and now I'm cold and tired.

We get downstairs and I see Scott. "Hey," he greets me and I greet him back. Stiles comes downstairs too in different clothes than this morning and Scott looks between us. "It's still weird, are you guys officially dating?" he asks and I crack a smile, sitting down and drinking my coffee.

"Yeah and I know. It's weird for me too," I say and wink at Stiles, who just smirks. Scott walks away and I look at my phone.

Lydia: happy birthday @allison !!

Allison: how did- how did you know?

Lydia: I know everything, duh

Me: happy birthday Allison <3 How old are you now?

Allison: 17

Me: well, 17's close to 18

Allison: haha yeah. I'll see u guys @ school

I look up from my phone and look at the time, seeing we don't have much left. "We gotta get ready. Can you grab my bag from upstairs?" I ask Stiles and give him puppy eyes.

"For a kiss," he says and I smile, kissing him. "Thank you," I whisper and pull away, making breakfast for us.

Once I get in the car I wait for Stiles, but he's walking towards my side. I frown when he opens my door and in a swift motion he's on top of me, attacking me with kisses.

Not minding it I kiss him back, trying to dominate the kiss, but failing. He pulls a handle making the chair go flat and he closes the cardoor.

I close my eyes and forget about school for a moment. "You're gonna ruin me," he says and I look into his Hazel brown eyes. "I can say the same," I say and look at him.

He puts his knee against my sensitive area, somehow knowing exactly what to do. He puts my arms above me and holds them there with one hand, assaulting my neck with his mouth.

I spread my legs wider without realising it, but he notices it. "You're an eager little thing aren't you?" He asks and I gulp, not knowing what to say.

"Do you want me to satisfy you?" He asks and I nod eagerly. "Yes," I breath out and he smiles at me wickedly. "Beg," he says and pushes his leg a bit up, making the pressure higher. "Please, please make me feel good," I say and look at him innocently.

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