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"So, you're just gonna smell the blood or something?" I ask confused

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"So, you're just gonna smell the blood or something?" I ask confused. Sometimes I'm not prepared for being a werewolf, I really suck at it. "Yeah, Derek said to smell it, feel it," he explains and I shrug.

We were in Stiles' car and it was late at night. Scott is going back to the bus to.. feel what happened during the attack. "As long as we aren't getting caught. I mean there is a curfew," I say and Stiles cocks an eyebrow. "Says the girl who spend God knows where for the past 3 days or so," he says and I shrug, he has a point.

"I had to deal with some issues," I say and Scott looks at me. "Where did you go to?" He asks and I shrug. "The woods, Hale house," I say and he frowns. I didn't go at first, but I was cold. "When there's an animal killer on the loose?" He asks and I shrug.

"Well, obviously I didn't think about that. Are we there yet?" I ask in a matter-of-factly tone and Stiles sighs, but nods. "Yeah, we're here," he says and I flash him a smile.

We get out, but Scott shakes his head. "No just me, someone needs to keep watch," he says and I frown. "How come I'm always the guy keeping watch?" He asks and scott looks at me.

"Both of you," he says and I frown. "What?" I ask while Stiles tries to climb over, but getting stopped by Scott immediately. "Okay, why is starting to feel like you're batman and I'm Robin..?" Stiles looks at me, debating what I am. "And Celia is both?" Stiles asks and I chuckle at the reference.

"I don't want to be Robin all the time," he whines and Scott frowns. "Nobodies batman or Robin any of the time." Scott answers and I frown. "Not even some of the time?" I ask sadly and Scott sighs.

"Justs stay. Here!" Scott commands and Stiles rolls his eyes. "Oh my God! Fine!" He yells and we get back in the car. I smirk and look at Stiles, and when he looks back at me I say. "At least I'm both and not just boring Robin," he takes it very seriously and I start laughing while starts reasoning why he should be batman too.

I laugh and look at the school again, my smile dropping. "Hey Stiles? Stiles-" I say and point at the flashlight a man is holding. Stiles starts honking and Scott comes back, making a flip when does.

He gets in the backseat and Stiles drives away really fast while I look at him. "And?" I ask and Scott looks at me.

"Did it work? Did you remember?!" Stiles asked still hyped that we just sort of broke into our school property. "Yeah, I was there last night and the blood... lot of it was mine," he says and I frown.

"So you did attack him?" I ask and Scott shakes his head. "No," he says and I frown. "I-I-I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but they weren't mine, it was Derek," he says and I frown, looking at Scott.

"What about the driver?" Stiles asks and I think. Derek wouldn't tell Scott to remember so that he can be accused of attacking someone, almost murdering someone... again.

"I think I was actually trying to protect him," he says and I frown. "Wait what? Why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?" I ask and Scott shakes his head. "That's what I don't get," he says and I frown.

"What colour were his eyes?" I ask and Scott looks at me. "What colour were his eyes? You said you saw glowing eyes but what colour?" Scott looks at me confused and then thinks.

"I-I-I don't remember," he says and I groan. "Were they blue?" I ask and Stiles looks confused. "I don't remember," he says again and I sigh.

"It's gotta be a pack thing," I say and frown. "Scott, if it were Derek then I would've come too, since we are sort of a duo now. And besides, you don't have a bond with Derek do you?" I ask and Scott frowns.

"No," he says and I nod. "Most betas have a bond with their Alpha. And again, Derek isn't one," he says and Scott frowns. "And ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, but you didn't do it, which means you're not a killer, and it also means that-" Stiles says happily before Scott interrupts him.

"I can go out with Allison," he says, his puppy face cutely happy and I frown. "I was gonna say it means you won't kill me, us," he says and I chuckle. "Oh yeah, that too," we all start laughing and I start laughing too.

"We're here." Stiles says and I look at the McCall house. "Thank you," I say and get out. I flash him a smile before getting in. "So you're friends now?" I hear scott say and I smile. "Yeah, I guess." Stiles answers and let's out a chuckle.

"So, when are you-"

"Ssh! She has supernatural hearing dude!" Stiles interrupts and Scott laughs. "Sure, see you later dude," he says. "Text me!" Stiles calls after him and I smile.

I quickly go to the living room and lay down on the couch. "Why don't you go hang out with Stiles?" Scott asks and I frown. "What? Why?" I ask and he shrugs. "You're alone, he's alone, maybe you guys have fun," I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"I'm good, he's fine on his own and I need to do some... homework," I say and Scott nods. "Sure, homework," he says sarcastic and I roll my eyes. "I'm gonna go change," he says and I smile. "Goodluck with bowling," I say and he nods.


I was sitting on the couch, watching TV when I heard a knock. I walk to the door only to see... Derek?

I open the door and look at him weirdly. "Derek? Why are you here?" I ask and he looks at me. "I wanted to check up on you, the hunters they were... they threatened me," he says and I look at him worriedly.

"Come in, did they hurt you?" I ask and he shakes his head. "No, not yet. Is Scott home?" He asks while we're sitting on the couch.

"No... I um, he's bowling," I answer and he nods. "So, you came here for me?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah, you're my sister," he says and I smile softly. "I thought... I thought after all this time you hated me." I say honestly and his face softens a bit.

"I could never hate you," he says and I just look away. "Then why did you leave? You left and suddenly you came back. I want to know why," I demand and he sighs. "We left because of the hunters. We went to New York, thinking it'd be safer there. We left you here because... Laura wanted you to stay here, have a normal life,"

"Normal life? Derek my family had just died. I had no one except you and you left me." I say tears blurring my vision. "Have you ever... even one second considered what it would be like for a 10 year old to experience this? Living at her best friends house because her siblings abounded her? And now- even now, while you're back you're trying to ruin my life," I say and let out a sob.

"I'm not the one who turned Scott, Macelia," he says and I scoff. "You don't think I know that? I had to learn the werewolf things on my own too, thanks to you. I know the whole Alpha, Beta, Omega crap. Scott just doesn't believe me," I say and he sighs.

"Scott thinks I did it," Derek says quietly and I nod. "I told him it wasn't you. It has to be an Alpha, but who?" I ask and Derek shrugs. "That's what Laura came to find out," he says and look at him.

"After she disappeared and I found her... and you," he says and I get flashbacks of that awful night.

"I think... I thought you had left me forever Derek. I hated you for that... but now you're back and Laura... I don't think I can hate you anymore," I whisper and he looks me in my eyes, sighing.

"I've always loved you, but to the eye the line between love and hate is a very thin one Celia. Be careful what you think you see." He says and I take a deep breathe.

"Well, I'm gonna go," I say and Derek looks at me. "Right now?" Derek asks and I nod. "Yeah." I say and open the door. "You can lock the door, the key is under the doormat," I say and put on my shoes and jacket, walking away.

~1513 words

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