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I knew something was wrong the second I saw Scott and Stiles leave

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I knew something was wrong the second I saw Scott and Stiles leave. So,  I followed them. It wasn't hard to know they were up to something, first they went to the hospital, but it was too hard to hear what they said, I just saw them leave with shovels.

Why didn't they tell me? Why would they leave me out of it? Why would Scott promise that he wouldn't do anything dumb and then breaks his promise 2 seconds later?

"Wait, somethings different," I hear Scott say and I take a deep breathe. It wasn't hard to know they'd be here and since I don't have a car I needed to ride my way here.

"Different how?" Stiles asks and I bite my lip. "I don't know," he says and Scott's heart is beating like a maniac. "Let's just get this over with." He says and I get closer, hiding behind a tree.

I look at the Hale house and I see the two friends sitting on the ground, digging up a hole and I smelled... Laura.

Tears immediately sprung up and I held my breathe. They were digging for a while and I just sat there and watched, not knowing what to do or say if I'm catching them red-handed. "This is taking way too long," Scott says after a while and Stiles sighs.

"Just keep going." Stiles says and I bite my lip. "What if he comes back?" He'll kill you. "Then we get the hell out of here," Stiles says as if it's rocket science and I scoff to myself. "What if he catches us?" Scott asks and I frown.

"I have a plan for that." Stiles says and I am surprised he has. "Which is?" Scott asks and Stiles stops digging, taking a deep breathe. "You run one way, I run the other," I get a little déjà vu from when we were looking for the body in the first place, I mean he has to work on this plan making skills of him.

"Whoever he catches first. Too bad." Stiles says and I look at them, imagining what I would say if they had involved me in the plan in the first place. "I hate that plan." Scott says and Stiles digs into something.

"Alright, stop, stop. Stop," he says and I look at them, waiting in ecstasy if it is what I think it is. "Hurry," Scott says and Stiles groans. "I'm trying. Did he have to tie the thing in like 900 knots?" Stiles asks sarcastically and I get closer, wanting to see myself.

"I'll do it," Scott says worried. Suddenly they scream and I gasp and flinch, scared that they yelled so hard.

"What the hell is that?!" Stiles yells and I look at them. "It's a wolf," he says and Stiles looks at Scott. "Yeah, I can see that, I thought you smelled blood. As in human blood," he says and I look at Scott.

"I told you, something is different." He says and I walk towards them. "This doesn't make sense, we gotta get out of here," Stiles says and suddenly he stares at a piece of wolfsbane.

"What's wrong?" Scott asks and I keep myself hidden for a few more seconds. "Do you see that plant?" Stiles asks and of course Scott has no idea. "What about it?" He asks and stiles looks at the plant again.

"I think it's wolfsbane," he says and Scott looks at him confused. "What's that?" He asks and I roll my eyes at him, so does Stiles. "Haven't you ever seen the wolf man ? Lon chaney Jr. ? Claude rains?" He asks which Scott replies no to.

"The original classic werewolf movie?" He asks and Scott replies irritated. "No what?!"

"You are so unprepared for this," he says grabbing the plant and ripping the rope off around the grave.

"Stiles," Scott says and I look at them, tears falling over my eyes. "Woah," Stiles says and I take a deep breathe. Anger starts taking over me and I want to shift, but I can't.

I know now that Derek didn't do it. He buried our sister, not for cover up, but because she was our alpha. Our family. He left the spiral for her, the spiral I am all too familiar with. Besides, if Derek killed her he would've been Alpha, and he isn't as far as I know.

I call him, but he doesn't reply. I start running away, crying. Again, he doesn't respond. After the third time he responds. "Celia what's up?" He asks and I break down in sobs. "They're taking you, you need to leave," I say sobbing and Derek sighs.

"Celia I didn't do it," he says and I nod. "I-I know, b-but they don't. Please," I sob and I hear Derek inhaling. "Celia, please go home, everything will be fine. They don't have any prove I did that," he says and I shake my head.

"Derek please listen-" I try, but he hangs up. I hate them. This is all Stiles' fault. If he didn't try and rub into someone else's business this would have never happened.

And Scott. Scott's a werewolf because of Stiles. He could've died! Now he can't play Saturday because of it. I hate Stiles. I hate him I hate him I hate him!

"Ah!" I scream and punch a tree, upset because of everything that has happened.


I saw Stiles walking towards Derek.

I saw Stiles talking to him.

I saw Stiles being scolded by his dad, normally his sarcastic comments would make me laugh, but now it just pisses me off. He's manipulated me. He is a manipulater. I hate him.

And I saw Stiles' face when I walked towards him.

"C-Celia? What are you doing here-" he starts, but he soon stops talking when I punched to the ground. "He didn't do it! He's innocent!" I yell and punch him again. "I'm gonna kill you! You have no respect! She was my sister!" I scream and Mr. Stilinski tries to get me off, but I lunge forward, hitting him again.

"I hate you! I hate you!" I yell and start crying. I was on top of him and didn't hit him as hard as I should've, but I did punch him good the first time. I pant and close my eyes.

I feel I'm being lifted off of Stiles and he quickly stands up, looking at me. He didn't seem mad, just, sad. "You're coming with me young lady," Mr. Stilinski says and Stiles looks at him. "Dad it's fine," he tries and I shake my head.

"It's too late to play hero now," I whisper and Mr. Stilinski puts me in a car, just not the same as Derek of course. I was shaking and I didn't know how to stop it.

Soon enough we're driving towards the police station. Once I arrived I get in with Mr. Stilinski, who was not looking all too happy.

"I want you to tell me where you was the night it happened," he says and I frown. "I was with Stiles, you were there too," I say defensive and he nods. "Yeah, until you ran off to God knows where," Shit.

"I'm gonna be honest. I found the body," I say say Mr. Stilinski frowns. "What? Why didn't you report it?" He asks and I scoff. "I was to busy mourning I found my sisters half,"

He takes a deep breathe. "You can go. If I see you hurting my son ever again I'll arrest you, understood?" I just nod and he stops me. "You might not like him, but I know he's very fond of you and I'd hate to see a friendship ruin because of this," he says and I frown, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Because of this? Well that 'this' you're talking about, is something that can get my brother in jail. Do I have to remind you of the fact Stiles and Scott were in private property? They invaded privacy and dug up a hole in the ground because of a theory?" I state and Mr. Stilinski just sighs.

"Goodluck Celia," he says and stands up, letting me out.

Goodluck indeed.

~1378 words~

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