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I arrive at the animal clinic and open the door

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I arrive at the animal clinic and open the door. I want to get inside, but I'm unable to. "Deaton? Mr. Deaton?" I ask and ring the bell impatiently.

Mr. Deaton appears and gets in. "Scott is slowly waking up, come in," he says and opens the gate. "Mm, okay," I say and frown, wondering why I can enter now.

I walk in and see Scott standing up, having a wound on his lower stomach. "Welcome back to the land of the conscious," Mr. Deaton says and I look at Scott. "Oh my God, are you okay? Who did this?" I ask and he smiles at me.

"I'm okay," he says and I frown. "Scott," I say and Scott looks down. "Kate," I gasp silently and I help him stand straight. "Maybe you should sit down," he says and then the doorbell rings, my nose hitting a scent I'm all too familiar with.

"Hello?" Mr. Deaton asks and wants to walk to the door, but I stop him. "I'm sorry," he says and nods at me reassuringly. "I'm sorry, we're closed," he says and I look at Scott.

"Hi there, I'm here to pick up." He says and I get closer. "I'm not sure I remember you dropping off," he says and I hear Peter getting closer.

"These two wondered in on its own," he says and I look down. "Even if they did, I'm afraid I can't help you, we're closed." He says again and I peek, seeing Peter having his hands behind his back, amused.

Scott sits down in the corner of the operation room and I look up. "Well I think you can make an exception this time, don't you?" He asks and I gulp, his voice threatingly.

"I'm sorry that's not going to be possible," Deaton says in a firm voice, not scared at all. "Maybe you could come back during regular hours," he says not moving a muscle.

"You have something of mine. I'm here to collect it," my heart is pounding like crazy and I feel tears fill my eyes. If Peter gets to me... he'll kill me. He killed those others, in his eyes I'm just another traitor.

"Like I said," Deaton says and takes a step forward. "We're closed." Peter looks at me and I take a step back. I don't care if he thinks I'm intimidated by him, it's 'cause I am. He wants to open the door, but he can't get through either.

"Mountain Ash," he says and scrapes the wood. "That's an old one," Peter says and throws a chair at Mr. Deaton. I gasp and protect myself automatically with my arm, but he doesn't even flinch, hell the wood just broke around him.

"Let me be as clear as possible, we. Are. Closed." He says and Peter closes his jacket. "There are other who can help get what I want Scott. More innocent and far more vulnerable," he says and sighs.

"Allison!" Scott gasps softly and the bell rings, signaling Peter left. Mr. Deaton turns around and looks at us. "You should go home," he says after a few minutes of silence and I just stare at him.

"You knew," I say and frown. "All this time," Deaton nods and I sigh. "Why let us kidnap you? Why escape? Why thinking-" I try, but Deaton cuts me off. "That's enough why's for today," he says sharply and I nod letting out a sigh. "Yes, sir,"


"Call it again!" Scott orders searching through his stuff. "It's not here," Stiles says and I let out a sigh. "Scott, so you lost your phone, why don't you just get a new one?" I ask and Scott shrugs. "I can't afford ffard a new one." He says and I nod, true.

"And I can't do this alone. We have to find Derek." He says and I frown. "Well, A. You're not alone, you have us and B. Didn't t you say Derek walked into gunfire? He sounds pretty dead," Stiles says and I sigh.

"Argent's plan was to use him to get the Alpha, they're not gonna kill him," he says and I look at angles, who looks adorable and I can't explain it. "All right. So then just let them do what they're planning, you know?" He suggests and I frown at him.

"They use Derek to get Peter, problem solved," he says and I shake my head. "Not! Peter wants to kill me, he wants to hurt Allison, he wants to hurt Scott!" I say and groan.

"I can't protect her on my own," Scott says and I look at him. "Which means we need to find Derek first," he says and I look at him throwing his stuff everywhere. "Just- just help me!" He says panicked and I look down.

"You know, you probably lost it when you two were fighting, you remember that? When he was trying to kill you?" Stiles remarks and I look at him. "After you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson, are you starting to see a pattern of violent behaviour here?" He asks and shrugs, as if it's obvious.

"He wasn't going to kill anyone and I'm not letting him die." I say determined and Stiles squeezes his eyes close. "Could you at least think about letting him die? For me?" He asks and I scoff at him. "No asshead!" I hiss and I hear the car stopping.

"What?" He asks and I shake my head. "My mom just got home from work," Scott says and I listen to her dialing someone. "Hi, it's me. Melissa McCall, giving you a call," she says and chuckles nervously. Oh God help me please.

"That always sounds really weird because of my last name. McCall, so yeah... um I was just wondering if you know if maybe you wanted to reschedule dinner or lunch," she says and I bury my head in Stiles' neck, letting out deep breathes and regretting my life choices.

"No it doesn't have to be dinner. Lunch is good, or maybe you would like to do coffee? Or maybe you're a tea drinker. I don't know," She says nervous and I close my eyes.

"You know, we could also just go out for drinks, um, yeah 'cause I think I need a few after this profoundly embarrassing phone call. So if this really doesn't freak you out too much, after this disastrous call, feel free to give me a call," she says and hangs up, taking deep breathes.

"Is she okay?" Stiles asks and both Scott and I shake our heads. "What's she doing?" He asks and I look at him. "Crying," Scott says and he sits down defeated on the bed. "Scott, you can't protect everyone." Stiles points out and I nod.

"I have to," he says and I look down.

"I'm gonna check up on Allison," Scott says after a long silence and I nod, looking at Stiles. "Yeah, I'm going to sleep," I say and take Stiles' hand, making him stand up from the chair.

Scott leaves through the window when Melissa walks inside and I look at Stiles. We get inside my room and I change, Stiles changes into his boxers and we lay in my bed.

"This past few days have been chaos," I say and sigh. "I know," Stiles says and I look at him. "What's bothering you?" I ask and he looks up, shaking his head. I can feel somethings upsetting him.

"Nothing, it's fine," he says and I look into his eyes, sitting up straight. "Stiles, I'm sorry I left you at the facility," I say, wondering if that was what he is upset about. "Why did you leave?" He asks and I look down.

"Peter made us choose. I chose him partly because I was angry at the people responsible and because I didn't want to die. I'm gonna backstab him later, but I think I already did," I say and sigh.

"I'm sorry if you felt betrayed," I say genuinely and he smiles softly, pulling me close. I was waiting for a response, but he didn't say anything.

I fell asleep in his arms with content, knowing we'll be alright.

~1368 words~

Hi guys! Thanks for 1.1K! Also sorry for updating

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