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It was one of those days where I did absolutely nothing

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It was one of those days where I did absolutely nothing. Stiles and I watched a lot of movies and he even tutored me a bit. I was proud I didn't lay in my bed all day staring at the ceiling.

"Well, I have to go," Stiles says and I look at him, nodding. "Okay," I say and smile at him. He wants to walk away, but I pull him back and push him on the bed, so that I can straddle him.

"I can stay for a few more minutes," he says and I smile. "Can you?" I ask and kiss him. He flips us around and kisses my neck. "You're beautiful," he says and I put my legs around him, feeling his hard-on.

His hand sneaks under my pajama, but before he can do anything I hear my worst nightmare. "If you don't stop right now, I'm gonna come in," I hear Derek's voice says and I gasp silently. He's here?! Now?!

"Stiles, Derek's here," I whisper and he looks up. "What?" He asks and I nod. He groans and I sigh. "Guess you have to go after all," I say and he just sighs.

"Yeah," he says and I nod. "Next time at my house," he says and I nod smiling. "Okay," I say and he puts his jacket on, leaving through the door. I sigh and stare at the ceiling, way to ruin my fun.

I hear Scott coming- no, rushing home a few minutes after Stiles left and I frown, sitting up. He gasps suddenly and sighs. "You seriously need to stop doing that," Scott says and I stand up, walking to his room. I open it and Scott turns around, his muscles relaxing when he sees it's me.

"So what happened? Did he talk to you?" Derek asks and I think they're talking about the Alpha. "What happened?" I ask and Scott quickly catches me up what happened today.

He was grocery shopping when Derek attacked him to teach him a lesson, then he went to Allison after he promised Derek not to, then he got attacked by the Alpha.

"He did talk to me," Scott answers Derek's question and I look at my brother, puzzled. "We had a nice conversation about the weather, no we did not talk!" Scott exclaims and I sigh.

"Well did you get anything off of him? An impression?" Derek asks and Scott looks confused. "What do you mean?" Scott asks and Derek sighs already done with him before he stands up.

I sit down on Scott's bed and just listen quietly. "Remember, your other senses are heightened, communication doesn't have to be spoken," he says and I look at Scott, who's thinking.

"What kind if feeling did you get from him?" I ask Scott, maybe it'll help him now. "A-anger," he says and I nod. "Focused on you?" Derek asks and Scott shakes his head.

"No-no not me, but it was definitely anger. I could feel it," he says confirming and I nod. So if the Alpha is angry at -probably- us, then we might know him, but it could be anyone.

"Especially when he drew the spiral," Scott says and I sit up, my attention peeked. "Spiral?" I ask the same time Derek asks "wait, the what? What'd you just say?"

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