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"did you get the picture?" Scott asks over the phone and I look at Derek

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"did you get the picture?" Scott asks over the phone and I look at Derek. "Yeah I did. And it looks just like the drawing," he says and Derek grabs stiles hand, pulling the phone towards him.

"Hey is there something on the back of it? There's gotta be something," Derek says and I frown. "An inscription, an opening, something," he says and I slap his arm. "Stop ! You're hurting him, he's playing tonight," I say to Derek and look at Stiles who's silently hurting.

"No, no, the things flat and it doesn't open, there's nothing in it, on it, around it, nothing," he says and Scott sighs. "And where are you? You're supposed to be here, you're first line!" He says and I hear a slapping sound.

"Ah!" Scott says and I frown. "Where the hell is Bilinski? huh?" I hear coach ask and I sigh. "Man, you're not gonna play if you're not here to start," he says and Stiles sighs. "I know, look if you see my dad, can you tell him... tell them I'll be there. I'll just be a little late, okay?" He asks and Scott agrees. "All right," Stiles says and I sigh.

"You're not gonna make it, I know," I say and Stiles nods. "I know," he says and Derek sighs. "And you didn't tell about his mom, either," he remarks and Stiles sighs too. "Not till we find out the truth," Stiles says and I look at Stiles.

"By the way, one more thing," we are at the Beacon Hills hospital, long term care. I'm nervous to see if we can finally unwrap the truth, but I also don't want to be disappointed. "Yeah?" Stiles asks and in one move he connects Stiles' head to the steering wheel.

"What the hell?!" I yell and Derek looks at me. "You know what that was for! Go!" He says and both me and Stiles get out the car. I run towards him and sigh. "Sorry," I whisper and he just sighs.

We get inside and look for Melissa, but we can't find her. After a few minutes Derek calls us and I answer. "Listen we didn't find her," I say and look at Stiles. "Look, as for Jennifer. She's been looking after our uncle," he says and we get inside.

"Well, he's not here either," I say surprised, seeing an empty room and an empty wheelchair. "What?" He asks and I sigh. "He's not here. He's gone, Derek," I say and start realising this is not okay.

My almost burned to death not being able to walk uncle is out of his wheelchair? My uncle, the one who hurt most of the fire, my uncle, that has always told my mother that the hunters will try and kill us, my uncle, that doesn't forgive easily.

My uncle, that would draw a spiral for revenge.

My uncle, the Alpha.

"Stiles we need to leave! It's him, he's the Alpha!" I hiss and Stiles walks backwards.

I grab his hand because he's obviously in some weird shock and pull him with me. I see my uncle Peter standing in front of me and my breathe hitches. It's him. It's really him. Revenge. He wanted revenge for the fire.

But why try and kill Derek? Why- I didn't have a lot of time to overthink what was happening as I hear Derek yelling in the phone and uncle Peter is starting to speak.

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