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I don't know how it happened, but we're kissing

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I don't know how it happened, but we're kissing.

I just gave him a whole ass love confession... oh God. I actually didn't expect him to kiss me, hell I expected him to laugh and say the famous "We're friends," sentence. I didn't know he had feelings for me...

He grabs the back of my hair and takes a hold of it, pushing me against the wall. I open my mouth for him and be pushes his tongue inside. Someone's eager.

"Stiles I- I have never done any of this," I say honestly and Stiles smiles. "Mm, me neither," he says and I frown. "You don't?" I ask sort of surprised and Stiles frowns. "No, never, why?" He asks and I smile.

"You're just, you're likeable," I say and giggle. "That's coming out of your mouth?" He asks and I sigh, nodding. "Well yeah, I mean, you're sarcastic, humouristic, you're smart, you're a genius, you're pretty, you're cute, you're-" I'm being cut off when he kisses me, cupping my boobs.

I moan and close my eyes, smiling. He breaks the kiss and takes off his shirt, leaving me gawking at his chest. "You're gonna catch something with your mouth," he says and closes it with his index finger.

Damn he's fine.

He undoes my bra and I look at him, biting my lip, closing my eyes. Stiles kisses my neck and bites it, making me moan. He takes off my pants and now except for my panties I'm completely exposed for him.

"Fuck," he curses and runs his hands through his hair. "You're beautiful," he says and I smile shyly. "Thank you," I whisper and he chuckles.

"Mm, you're mine," he says and I start blushing. "I'm yours," I say and he slowly takes off my underwear, making the cold air do something to me.

"So pretty," he says and kisses me again. His hands go to my clit and he starts to rub it, making me moan and feel... things.

"S-Stiles," I moan and he just smirks, kissing my neck again and biting it. I suck in a breathe and I run my fingers through his hair, not that he has much of it.

He lowers himself and I feel a hot breathe against my oh so throbbing pussy. "F-fuck Stiles," I say and bite my lip. "You're so pretty," he says repeating himself and then he suddenly pushes one finger in, making me gasp and arch my back.

"Can't handle this?" He mocks and I don't react, not even being close to figuring out what to say. "What's gonna happen when you take my dick mm?" He asks and adds another finger, using his thumb to rub my clit and I feel an orgasm approaching.

"S-Stiles," I whine and lift my back, but stiles pushes me back down. "Nuh-uh," he says and lifts himself to my breasts and I bite my lip hard. I squeeze my eyes once he bites my nipple, making me moan.

I try to squeeze my legs together, but his legs were still together. "Stiles I'm-" I say and he smirks. "Cum," he ordered and I cry out softly, cumming.

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