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Me, Lydia and Stiles get out of his Jeep, seeing Jackson

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Me, Lydia and Stiles get out of his Jeep, seeing Jackson. Stiles opens the door for us and we get out. "Thanks cutie," I say and smile. Lydia was straightening her dress and I sigh.

"Jackson, you look handsome," Lydia says and I smile at Allison. "Obviously, it's Hugo Boss," he says and I scoff. Jackson and Allison walk away and Lydia looks like she's gonna fall apart.

"I don't care. I do not want compliments, I will not fall prey to society's desire to turn girls into emotionally insecure neurotic, who pull up their dresses at the first flattering remark," she rambles and sighs.

"Well I think you look beautiful," Stiles says and she looks at him up and down. "Really?" She asks flattered and I smile. He walks with us inside side to side and I smile.

Do I like sharing my boyfriend? No, of course not, but everything to keep my friends save... sort of.

Stiles, Lydia and I were sitting down and I look at Stiles. "You want to dance?" Stiles asks and I stand up. "Yes please," I say and take his hand. "Pass," Lydia says and I sigh. "You know what let me try that again, Lydia, get off your ass and dance with us now," he demands and I smile.

"Interesting tactic, I'm gonna stick with no," she says and I let out a long frustrated sigh. "Lydia get up! Okay? You're gonna dance with us, I know that somewhere inside that cold lifeless exterior there's an actual human soul," I say and Lydia looks offended.

"And I'm also pretty sure that I'm the only one who knows how smart you really are, uh-huh and that once pretending you're done being a nitwit, you'll eventually go off and write some insane mathematical theorem that wins you the Nobel prize." Stiles rambles and Lydia smiles.

"A Fields Medal," she says and I frown. "What?" Stiles asks confused and Lydia stands up. "Nobel doesn't have a prize for mathematics, the Fields Medal's the one I'll be winning," she says and takes my hand, guiding us to the dance floor.

"McCall! I see you! Come here!" I hear coach yell and I look back. "McCall! Get out of my way McCall!" Coach yells searching for him. "It's a small gym, buddy I'm gonna find you," I smile and laugh lightly. "What?" Stiles asks and I look up.

"Coach spotted Scott," I say and laugh. "I got ya! McCall, come here, come here! Get out of my way McCall!" Coach yells and I'm laughing harder. This is so funny, I can see Scott hiding and Coach is pissed.

"Danny, Danny dance with me," I hear Scott say and I frown. "What?" He asks confused and I bite my lip, letting Lydia and Stiles dance while I'm amusing myself with this. "Dance with me!" He hisses. "No," Danny says and lifts Danny up. "Please, right now! Right now! Come on." He says and slow dances with Danny.

"McCall! You're not supposed to-" he says and I move myself standing next to coach. "What the hell are you," he says and the artist stops singing, complete silence. "What the hell are you doing?" He asks and I gasp fakely.

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