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"Danny?" Scott asks, the game just ended and Scott was in the locker room

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"Danny?" Scott asks, the game just ended and Scott was in the locker room. I don't know where Stiles went after we left, but Peter didn't really let me do anything.

I hear him trying to switch the lights, but the power got cut off. Derek rolls a ball and Scott takes it, making me and Derek appear.

"Ah!" He exclaims and I look at him with guilty eyes. "Thank god! Where the hell have you been?! Do you have any idea what's been going on?!" He asks and I look at Peter, who appeared behind Scott.

He has a Lacrosse stick in his hands and looks confused. "I really don't get Lacrosse," he says and Scott starts to realise. "It was you," he says and Peter looks at him. "When I was in high school we played basketball," he says and looks at me. 

"Thats a real sport," he says and Scott looks at me, confused. I keep a straight face, giving nothing away because I know when I do it'll be over. "Still, I read somewhere that Lacrosse comes from native American tribes and that they played it to resolve conflict," he says and puts the stick on his shoulder, looking at something above us.

"Do I have that right?" He questions himself and then shrugs. "Mm, I have a little conflict of my own to resolve Scott," he says and puts the sticks down. "But I need your help to do it," he says and I let out a sigh, looking at the floor.

"I'm not helping you kill people," Scott says and Peter looks at him. "Well I don't want to kill all of them," he says in a matter-of-fact tone. "Just the responsible ones. And that doesn't have to include..." He stops and looks at us. "Allison," I say and Scott turns around. Looking at me. "You're on his side?!" He asks and I don't look at him, but instead I look at that pretty wall...

"Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?!" He says pointing at Peter. "It was a mistake," Derek says and Scott looks at me, trying to read my face. "What?!" He says eventually, probably so freaked out he couldn't think straight.

"It happens," Derek says again and I look at Scott. "Scott," Peter says and Scott turns to look at Peter. "I think you're getting the wrong impression of us, we really just want to help you reach your full potential," he says and Peter looks at me. "Am I wrong Celia?" Peter asks and when I don't answer  he sighs.

"But, sometimes the people closest to you, can be the ones holding you back the most," he says and I clench my jaw. "If they're holding me back from becoming a psychotic nut job like you, I'm okay with that," he says and Peter gets closer, showing his claws.

"Maybe, you could try and see things from my perspective," he says and puts his claws in the back of Scott's neck, making him groan and fall on the ground.

Peter walks away and I look at Scott. Who's breathing heavily. "Let's go," Derek says and I shake my head. "No, he's in pain! Scott? Scott!" I yell and Derek starts pulling me away.

"Scott!" I yell again, but Derek is stronger than me. I struggle in his hold, not giving in so easily. I kick him and his grip loosens, I shove him back and kneel down where Scott was groaning and struggling.

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