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We stay silent for a while, looking at the empty hallways and suddenly we hear a howl

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We stay silent for a while, looking at the empty hallways and suddenly we hear a howl. Not risking anything, we run into a random classroom. "The desk," Scott says and we push the desk towards the door, only for Stiles to stop us.

"Stop, stop, the doors not gonna keep it out," he says and I look at him, nodding. "I know," Scott says and Stiles sighs. "It's your boss," he acted so strange on the parent teacher conference night, he knew because he was the Alpha, and he didn't tell Stiles' dad, because he didn't wanted to look suspicious.

I can't believe that he fooled us all. A veterinarian, a pet doctor. A killer.

"What?" Scott asks and I look at him. "Deaton? The Alpha? Your boss," he says and I look at scott, who is obviously in denial. "No," he states simply and Stiles leans over the desk.

"Yes! Murdering psycho, werewolf!" He hisses the last part and looks at me. "It can't be," Scott says and I look at him. "Oh come on, he disappears and that thing shows up 10 seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air?" Stiles asks shrugging, giving Scott a pointed look.

"That's not convenient timing? And if you don't believe that then maybe you will with the fact that you were his student, you already had a bond with him! He thought, good timing you are here, let's bite you!" I hiss and Scott again denies it.

"Its not him," he says and I look at him. "He killed Derek." I say and Scott shakes his head. "No, Derek's not dead, he can't be dead," Scott says and I sigh. "I hate to break it to you, but without Derek we are dead anyways. We have to run, pack our shit and go to Tokyo," I say and Scott scoffs, shaking his head.

"Scott, blood, spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury," Stiles states and I nod. "He's dead, and we're next," I snap my fingers and look at Scott. "Give me your phone," I say and Scott frowns. "We call argent, they'll take over, get killed, hopefully Kate gets brutally killed, and we're safe," I say and Scott sighs, shaking his head.

"Bad plan. We get to my Jeep, we get out of here, you seriously think about quitting your job, good?" Stiles asks and I scoff. "Not good! Your Jeep is trash! By the time it'll start we're already dead, Stiles," I argue and Stiles sighs.

"Argue with the wall," Stiles says and I look at him, feeling my eyes turning yellow. I want to punch him so bad right now. Scott quickly runs towards the windows, but Stiles looks at him. I start breathing heavily feeling my inner wolf wanting to come out, but I won't let her.

Scott tries to open the windows, but Stiles stops him. "No, they don't open the schools climate-controlled," Stiles says and Scott frowns. "Then we break it," he says and I look at them. "Which will make a lot of noise," I interrupt and Scott takes a deep breathe, panting.

"Then... then we run really fast," he says and looks at Stiles' Jeep. "Really fast," he says again. I frown when I see the Jeep's hood and frown. "Stiles what's wrong with the hood of your Jeep?" I ask and Stiles pushes past me, frowning.

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