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"It's Allison's phone," he says and I scoff

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"It's Allison's phone," he says and I scoff. "Allison's phone? That must be a trap?" I say, in a more of a question form.

Stiles grabs his phone and gives it to Scott, who's calling Allison. "Stiles," she says and I can hear her voice double. She's here. she's in the school.

"No, it's me, where are you?" Scott asks and looks at me. "I'm in the school looking for you, why weren't you at my place?" Oh my fucking god. "Where are you right now?" Scott asks, ignoring her question.

"On the first floor," she says and I look at Stiles. "Where? Where are you exactly?" He asks and sighs. "The swimming pools?" Allison says, probably questioning her sanity. "Get to the lobby, go now," Scott says and she hangs up after saying she's coming.

We arrive at the hobby at the same time and Scott looks at her confused. "Why did you come? What are you doing here?" He asks and Allison looks really confused. "Because you asked me too," she says and I look at Stiles, wondering if he knows something. He shakes his head and I nod.

"Because I asked you too?" Scott asks confusingly and Allison pulls out her phone, showing us a text Scott should've texted. Scott looks at the text and then at Allison, who looks disappointed.

"Why do I get the feeling you didn't sent this message?" Allison asks and Scott shakes his head. "Because I didn't," he says and I look at Allison. "Did you drive here?" I ask a little bit pushy, but fuck we need to leave.

"Jackson did." Jackson can stay, for all I care he's getting murdered. Just kidding... "Jackson's here too?" Scott asks. Obviously we are in more trouble, because they don't know whats going on.

"And Lydia, what's going on? Who sent this text?" Allison says and halfway through her sentence she gets called. She answers and sighs. "Where are you?" She asks and the door opens, making me flinch, but when I see Jackson and Lydia I roll my eyes.

"Finally. Can we go now?" Lydia says and we all nod, but then there is a loud thud above us. I see Allison and Scott holding hands and then I look above me, it's gonna break soon and then we're all dead.

"Run!" Scott yells and we start running, the ceiling breaks and the Alpha shows, growling loudly. We run straight forward and I swear I heard him bark. We get into a room and Scott locks the door, running towards the chairs. "Help me get this in front of the door," Scott says and I turn around, looking at loads of windows.

Ah, come on!

"Guys," I start and Stiles adds. "Scott, wait, not here," he says and I sigh. "What was that? Scott, what was that?" Allison asks panicked and i look at Scott. "What came out of the ceiling?" Lydia asks, also panicked while Scott and jackson are putting something in front of the door.

"The chairs, stack the chairs," Scott says and Stiles sighs. "Guys?" He starts and I add. "Can we just wait a second?" I say, but there just putting chairs in front of the door. "Can we wait a second?" Stiles asks, already losing hope. "Guys?" He tries and I let out a groan. "They're not listening," I say and Stiles nods. "Yeah," he says to me and i look at them hopefully stacking the chairs.

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