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"But dreams aren't memories," I clarify and we sit down at the lunch table

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"But dreams aren't memories," I clarify and we sit down at the lunch table. "Then it wasn't a dream," Scott answers and we sit down. Stiles across us and Scott and I next to each other.

"Something happened last night and I can't remember what," he says and I sigh. "What makes you think my brother has all the answers?" I ask, I was never involved with deep werewolf stuff, I avoided it as much as I could when I was younger and once I moved in with Scott, I didn't know any better then be a human girl that had to leave her house every full moon.

"Because! During the full moon he wasn't changed, he was in total control. While I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy," he says and I frown. "I didn't change either," I say and Scott frowns.

"Well, sort of. Anyways, you don't know that you did that," I say and he shakes his head. "I don't not know that, I can't go out with Allison, I have to cancel." He says and I frown.

"No, you're not gonna cancel, you can't just cancel your entire life," Stiles says and I nod, he has a point. "We'll figure it out," Stiles says and suddenly Lydia sits next to me.

"Figure what out?" She asks and I see Stiles scoffing. Something with his obsessing with Lydia makes me jealous, I just don't know why. "Just uh, homework," Scott says and I roll my eyes.

Suddenly, multiple people are sitting down at our table while I hear Stiles ask Scott "Why is she sitting with us?" Even though I hang out with Lydia, she has never even considered sitting with us.

"Get up," Jackson says and I frown. "How come you never ask Danny to get up?" The boy that was sitting on the head of the table asks and Danny answers that. "Because I don't stare at his girlfriends coin slot," Danny says and I see Stiles not being happy about this.

"So I hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack," Danny says and I shake my head. "Probably a cougar," he says and Jackson shrugs. "I heard mountain lion," he says and suddenly Lydia speaks.

"A cougar is a mountain lion, isn't it?" She says the last part a little too fake and I frown, but Jackson doesn't care. "Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway," he says and I frown. "Actually, I just found who it is, check it out," Stiles says and shows us a video.

"Sherrifs department won't speculate on details of the incident, but confirmed the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive the attack, Meyer was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition."

I frown, knowing the name from somewhere. "I-I-I know this guy," Scott says Quickly and I look at Jackson, who seems bored. "You do?" Allison asks and I look around me, wondering why he's the one getting attacked.

"Yeah, when I used to take the bus, back when I lived with my dad, he was the driver," fun fact, I don't like his dad. I lived there too, but thankfully we stayed at his mom's house afterwords. God I hate him so much. Rafe. What a dumb name.

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