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I was watching the Lacrosse game

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I was watching the Lacrosse game. It was Saturday and Scott was playing anyways. Derek is let go, because it was an animal that attacked my sister, not a human.

In the last few seconds Scott scores, making the score go 6-5 for us. Even though everyone was happy, Scott lost it, he's starting to shift again. Even though I'm mad, there's no way I'm letting Mr. Argent thinking he's something special, because Mr. Argent was there too.

"Hey!" I smile fake excitingly. "Um. Hello," Mr. Argent says and I smile. "Have we met?" I shake my head and smile. "No, haha. I'm a friend of Allison's? She might have mentioned me, I have no idea," Mr. Argent tries to look at he direction that Scott is going, but I step in front of him.

"The game was amazing, wasn't it?" I ask and Mr. Argent nods. "Yeah," I smile and nod. "I'm gonna go," he says and I nod again.

"Bye!" I say and fake chuckle.

I take a deep breathe and sit down on the bench. Soon everyone left and it was already getting dark and I have no where to go anyways. Might as well procrastinate going wherever I'm going.

Until I saw Derek standing on the field. Frowning, but happy I want to stand up, but I see Jackson also. Jackson grabs a glove and then looks at Derek, but then Derek walks away.

I quickly jump off the benches and run after him. "Wait!" I say and pass Jackson who's looking confused at me. I see Derek behind a tree and walk over to him.

He doesn't look all too happy to see me, but I smile and hug him. "Celia-" he starts, but I shake my head. "I'm just glad you're okay," he says and he nods. "According to the police I'm not an animal. They had nothing against me." He says and I take a deep breathe.

"They didn't tell me," I say and let go of him. "If I had known-" I start, but Derek cuts me off. "It's fine, really," he says and I just nod. "You should go back to where you're staying," he says and I shake my head.

"I'm probably not welcome there," I say and Derek just nods. "You can stay at our house," he says and I shake my head. "No thanks. It's kinda creepy there,"

He chuckles and nods. "Okay, take care," I nod and see him disappear. I wasn't sure where I could stay, I mean...

I hate to be in this position, to be the one that is in the middle. I can't just choose Derek, but I can't just choose Scott. The only one I'm not worrying not choosing is Stiles. Even though I'm sort of flattered in a weird way he thinks I'm hot, I still think he's annoying.

I didn't really expect that punching Stiles was gonna do anything, I just thought that it would help my anger for a second, but now I'm both relieved and worried. I both feel bad and happy I punched him.

I take a deep breathe and sigh. I love the night, but not right now.

~533 words~

his is so short lol. PLEASE at least vote, it would help the motivation <3

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