𝟬𝟭𝟰. 𝗜𝗧'𝗦 𝗬𝗢𝗨

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I was gaming, doing nothing when the doorbell rang

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I was gaming, doing nothing when the doorbell rang. I frown, I didn't order pizza or something, who would possibly want to visit me at this hour?

Walking to the door I raise my eyebrows when I see Celia. "Um, hey?" I ask and she raises her eyebrows. "Aren't you gonna let me in?" She asks and I nod, quickly opening the door for her. She walks in and smiles.

"Um, not that I don't want you herihere?" I ask and she turns around, smiling. "I thought we could hang out," she says and I frown. What part of "you don't hang out with hot girls" didn't she understand?

"If you don't want me here I can leave," she says, her smile no longer visible. "No!" I say quick. Too quick. "We can watch a movie if you want?" I ask and she frowns. "Mm, where?" She asks and I point at the couch.

"My dad isn't home for another... hour or 3, so we have plenty of time," I tell her and she nods. "Okay, we can watch star wars? I haven't seen it yet," did my dream just come true? Someone asking me to watch star wars?!

"Yes!" I say and smile. She smiles too and lays down on the couch, grabbing a blanket that was laying there. Her legs were spread out on the couch too.

I sit down next to her while putting my favourite movie on. She glances at me a few times before actually paying attention to the movie.

There wasn't much talking and after the first movie she asked if we could watch the second, of course I wanted that. "Why did you visit?" I ask and she looks at me, shrugging.

"No reason," she says and I know she's lying. "I don't need to have supernatural abilities to know that's a lie," I say and she sighs. "Derek was... sort of attacked," she says and I frown. "Nothing happened according to him and he wasn't hurt, they just made sure he knew he was being watched and I... I didn't wanted to be alone with Melissa having a night shift and Scott being away," she says honestly and I nod.

"I understand. If you need me you can always call, you know that right?" I ask and she smiles, nodding. "Yeah," she says and puts her head against my shoulder. My eyes widen for a second and I bite my lip smiling.

"Are you gonna put on the movie silly?" She asks and I chuckle. "Sorry, yeah," I say and put on the movie. I wasn't paying attention to the movie anymore though.

Now that I think about it, I never really looked at her. Mostly if I look closely she would've attacked or something because she hated me.

She has long, beautiful brown hair that is a little wavy, she has brown eyes, a little darker than my Hazel ones. She has the most beautiful body ever and she is... sleeping.

She looks peaceful when she sleeps to be honest. I stop the movie and just close my eyes, enjoying the moment. I didn't realised I fell asleep if my dad wouldn't have woke me up.

"Dad?" I ask confused and look around, where is Celia? "Hey Stiles. Why are you here?" He asks and I shrug. "I don't know- I was with... nevermind," I say and grab my phone.

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