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The rest of the parent/teacher conference went okay

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The rest of the parent/teacher conference went okay. It was mostly the teachers saying I didn't have any focus, but I already knew that. Scott didn't attend the conference and I have a feeling Allison didn't either.

"She doesn't do this," I hear Mr. Argent say before I see Melissa walk over to them. "No! Don't! They're evil!" I try to sign to her, but she ignores me and Mr. Argent just looks at me weirdly. "Excuse me, you're not Allison's parents, are you?" She starts and Mr. Argent is already glaring at me.

"I'm Scott's mom, and I hate to say it but he's not answering his phone either," she says and suddenly I hear something in the background. I turn around while the parents are probably arguing.

"You're his mother?" Mr. Argent says and I frown when I see an all too familair car with all too familiar people in it. "Funny how you say that like it's an accusation," she says and I make gestures that their heads are gonna get chopped off.

Scott sees me and shakes his head while I just point at Argent with a bow and I stab myself in the heart. Then stick my tongue out pretending to be dead.

"Well, I wouldn't claim it as a source of pride, since he basically kidnapped my daughter today and-" Mr. Argent accuses and looks at me, frowning. "And well, I'm not sure what's going on with her," he says and I raise my hands, claiming how dumb this sounds.

"How do we know skipping school wasn't your daughters idea?" She asks and Mr. Argent starts to argue with "My daughter..." when he looks past me to what I'm guessing is the wanted children.

I turn around and make some more gestures with my eyes, but Scott just shrugs and I sigh. "Is right there," he says and Melissa walks towards them. "Let's go," Mr. Argent says and I quickly run after Melissa.

"Where exactly have you been?" She asks and I look at Allison. "Nowhere mom," Scott says and I shake my head, pointing to the Argent behind me and again and this time I make a gun with my hand and shoot myself in the heart.

"Nowhere, meaning not at school. And Celia, stop that," she says and I feel the Argents awfully close. "Kind of," Scott says and Allison starts. "It's not his fault, it's my birthday and we were-" she tries, but Mr. Argent interrupts her.

"Allison, in the car," Mr. Argent says and suddenly people start screaming. Before I can stop him Scott wanders to God knows where and I quickly hop after him.

Something is here. I can smell it.

"Scott don't, if you do this right now they'll suspect you, they know about me I can do it, go," I say and Scott looks at me. "No, remember, a pack makes us stronger," he says and I shake my head.

"Listen Scott, I need to tell you something about Kate," I say and Scott looks at me. "Can't it wait?" He asks and I shake my head. "No it can't, specially not because her daughter is getting rebellious. Listen Scott, Kate tried to kill me today and she almost killed Derek," I say and Scott looks at me.

I glance at the Argent's to see if they're not listening, and they aren't. "Once Kate gets into Allison head, Scott she's gonna kill you," I say and Scott shakes . "Are you saying I should break up with her?" He asks and I sigh.

"I'm not saying- okay, I am saying that you should. Derek dated Kate, Kate tries to kill Derek. You date Allison, Allison will try and kill you," I say in easy words and he sighs. "It's ridiculous, I won't break up with her," he says and I sigh.

"Fine," I say and suddenly I hear growling, and Scott's eyes glowing. "Scott your eyes!" I say but he doesn't pay attention to me anymore. "Allison!" He yells and pushes Allison away from a car, saving her life.

I hear more growling and my fangs show. I look around listening, but they're just too many people yelling. Suddenly I hear Mr. Stilinski getting hit by a car and that makes me lose my focus.

Then, I hear two gunshots and a loud growl. My fangs disappear and I quickly run towards the thing that killed my sister. "Celia!" I hear Scott say but I ignore him.

I gasp silently when I see... a mountain lion in front of us. "What?" I whisper in a hushed voice and look at Scott, the tears falling over my eyes.

It's not the Alpha.

The Alpha is still out there.

The Alpha who killed my sister.

The Alpha... the Alpha who is trying to make Scott kill us.

"Celia," Scott whispers and I shake my head. "It isn't him," I say and Mr. Argent shakes his head. "It isn't," he says lowly, just so me and Scott can hear him.

Scott looks at him and gulps, before looking back. "Let's go," Scott says and I shake my head. "No," I whisper and look around me. The Alpha must have driven him towards us.

"Celia, let's go it's okay," he says and rubs my back. "Come on hun," Melissa says and I look at her. I hug her and start sobbing. She might think it's because we 'found' my sisters killer, but it's because we didn't.

"Hey ssh. It's okay, it's okay," she says and I feel I'm being lifted up. I wasn't that tall so I'm easily lifted. I knew it was Scott and put my arms around his neck and sob into his neck.

"I want to go to Stiles," I say mumbling and Scott sighs. "You need to go to sleep," he says and I shake my head stubbornly. "Okay, Stiles will come here," he says and I nod.

We get into the car and Melissa starts scolding Scott quietly while I just look outside. Once we get home Stiles is there already. I'm not sure how he got here so fast, because I didn't text him, but I was happy he was there.

"Stiles," I whisper and he smiles. "Hi baby," he whispers and hugs me, kissing the top of my head. "Don't make it too late," Melissa says and I nod.

"I still have to get used to it, I'm not complaining, it's better than you two bickering all the time," Scott says and I chuckle, Stiles doesn't react and I frown.

Once we are both in bed I look at him and smile sheepishly. "What did you find out?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Not now," he says, probably because its about the Alpha.

"Stiles..." I try, but he shakes his head. "Not now, okay? I know it's hard for you and I don't want to upset you," he says and I smile slightly.

"Thank you," I whisper and close my eyes. "Before we go to sleep I have to tell you something," I say and he frowns. "Tell me," he says and I take a deep breathe.

"The reason I didn't show up for the tutoring was because I was attacked," I say and start telling about Kate, he has a right to know.

By the time I finished I was crying again and he just laid with me, telling me sweet things. I fell asleep short after, in the arms of my boyfriend.

~1252 words~

Hey :)

Q: who's ur fav of s3a?

Mine are Isaac and Stiles:)

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