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It was almost midnight, Scott is working on his strength a day before school, so he can be a little bit better for the Lacrosse tryouts tomorrow

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It was almost midnight, Scott is working on his strength a day before school, so he can be a little bit better for the Lacrosse tryouts tomorrow. I feel bad for him, he tries so hard, but because of his asthma he can't really be as good as the others.

I just want him to beat that jerk named Jackson. I literally hate him so much. Thay arrogant jerk has brown hair, a perfect jawline and too much fucking muscles.


While I was staring at the ceiling, thinking about people in school before trying to fall asleep. Then we have Stiles. Stiles is Scott's best friend.

He isn't mine. I don't like him, he's annoyingly sarcastic, he's annoyingly smart, he's annoyingly 'all knowing' he's annoyingly snoopy and he's-

I stop thinking about him when I hear a sound. I quickly jump out of bed, on my toes so that whoever is coming for us won't notice me. Scott on the other hand, is loud as fuck. I roll my eyes and stand next to him while he's putting on his jacket.

"Hey," I whisper and he flinches, obviously scared that I'm some robber. "Jesus! I thought you were- what are you doing up?" He asks and I shrug. "I heard something," he says and I sigh.

Scott grabs his bat and we walk outside, I listen and then I smell... Stiles.

Are you serious right now? He comes out of the blue, hanging upside down. Scott and Stiles are both screaming while I'm just staring at the two. "Stiles what the hell are you doing?!" Scott exclaims, still a good hold on the bat. I wish I could've just punched him in the face and told him that's my 'reflex.'

"You weren't answering your phone! Why do you have a bat?" He asks astonished, still hanging upside down. "It's like 11 pm!" I say and roll my eyes.

Stiles and I don't get along. I just know he wants me gone. He hates me! He doesn't like that he only has Scott and Scott has me too! It makes me angry that he tries so hard to make me leave.

"I thought you were a predator!" Scott defends himself and Stiles puts his hands in the air. "A pre-" he starts and coughs, putting his hands in his buzz cut hair before pointing them at Scott again.

"Look, I know it's late and that it's past Celia's bedtime, but you gotta hear this," he starts and I roll my eyes, ready to say something if Scott didn't give me a warning glance.

I don't like if me and Scott fight, so whenever he wants me to do something, I'll do it, not like a pet, just someone who wants to avoid broken friendships. I know Scott cares about Stiles and he wouldn't want me hurting him. 

Stiles arms are relaxed and hanging low, while I start smirking to myself, thinking of all the ways I can annoy him.. "I saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago, dispatch called. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department and even state police," he says and I start to get a bad feeling about this. Why would they need state police? Unless they found a body.

"For what?" I ask curiously and Stiles looks at me, scoffing slightly in excitement. "Two joggers found a body in the woods," he says and my attention is peeked.

"A dead body?" Scott asks and I look at him dumbfounded. This boy...

"No, a body of water, yes! Dumbass, a dead body," Stiles replies, equally surprised how Scott fails to get this, along with all the other times he hasn't got Stiles' excitement.

Stiles has Hazel brown hair, he has a buzzcut hair that isn't the ugliest... but, if a personality can't paint someone ugly I don't know what can.

Stiles raises himself to un attach himself from our wall and he let's himself fall on the ground and he climbs on the porch. I stand next to Scott while Stiles is in front of us, his hands in his sides. "You mean like... murdered?" Scott asks somewhat shocked. "Nobody knows yet, just that it was a girl, probably in her 20's," I frown and look at him confused.

"Wait a second, if they found the girl, what are they searching the area for?" I ask and chuckle, is the police just dumb or is it just me?

"That's the best part, they only found half," my smile drops and I look at him. "What?" I ask, my whole demeanour changing and Stiles looks at me, frowning.

I only know one group that cuts people in half... Hunters. They aren't here right? They ruined my family and now my sister is missing at the same time they have found a body?

"We're going," he says and I shake my head. "Celia what's wrong?" Scott asks somewhat worried and I shake my head again and wave my hand in dismissal. It's probably nothing.

"Nothing, let's go," I say and Stiles smiles. We get in the Jeep and start driving. "Let's go," I repeat silently and pray we're not gonna find my sisters dead body.

~870 words~

This is a sort of short chapter! I tried to make them between 1000/3000 words :)

Also, if you have suggestions, point of views you'd like to see, anything really my dms are always open (here, ig, tt)

Also I'm posting every Monday, Friday and Sunday <3

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