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We were at the Beacon Hills facility, where my uncle Peter lies

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We were at the Beacon Hills facility, where my uncle Peter lies. "What are we doing here?" Scott asks and I don't answer him. Derek didn't wanted Stiles with us, so he left.

"We get inside and Derek somehow managed to not be held up by the receptionist. We get inside and I see uncle Peter in the wheelchair, staring lifelessly ahead of him.

"Who is he?" Scott asks and I sign. "Our uncle, Peter Hale. Scott looks at me confused and then at Derek. "Is he like you? A werewolf?" He asks and I look at my uncle. I barely visit him these days.

I'm scared of him to be honest. I've always been kinda scared of him, but when I was younger my mother protected me from his sarcasm and dark jokes.

"He was. Now he's barely even human," Derek says and looks at me. "6 years ago, my sister and I were at school, Celia was at your house, our house caught fire. Eleven people got trapped inside," he says and I feel my eyes tear up.

"He was the only survivor," he says and I look at Scott. "So. What makes you so sure that they set the fire?" He asks and I sigh. "Because they were the only one who knew about us," he says and I look at him.

"Did they have a reason?" Scott asks and I scoff. "Like what?" I ask and Derek turns Peter around, showing his burn marks. "Does anything justifies this? They say they'll only kill an adult and only with absolute proof, but there were people in my family that were perfectly ordinary in that fire," I say and look at Scott, tears falling down.

"This is what they do and this is what Allison will do." Derek says and suddenly a nurse comes in. "What are you doing? How did you get in here?" She asks and I look at Derek. "We were just leaving," I say and look at Scott.

"Kate found out I took the bullet," Scott tells me and I nod. "Good. Let them know we're not going down without a fight," I say and look at him. "Let's go home,"

I get home and walk to my room. It was dark and I am tired. "Bye," I tell Scott and he wishes me goodnight too before going to his own room.

I open my door and close it, looking at it and putting my head against it. I let out a very long sigh and close my eyes.

I hear something move in my room and I quickly turn around, ready to attack when I see... "Stiles?" I ask surprised, looking at him. "Hey," he says and I smile. He is laying on my bed looking sexy as fuck and I walk over to him, laying down next to him.

He kisses me and lays on top of me, hovering over me. "I missed you," he says and I smile, kissing him back. "Missed you too," I say and close my eyes. He bites my lip making me gasp silently and I open my mouth, letting his tongue enter my mouth.

He dominates the kiss and puts his knee between my legs making them open. He breaks the kiss and lifts up my shirt, revealing my bra covered boobs. "Stiles," I say and look at him. "What?" He asks innocently and he bites his lip.

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