𝟬𝟯𝟭. 𝗥𝗔𝗚𝗘

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Scott and I had one seat between us so Stiles could sit in the middle, why, I had no idea

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Scott and I had one seat between us so Stiles could sit in the middle, why, I had no idea. I wasn't paying attention until I heard Stiles' voice, looking up and seeing his blue flannel with a white shirt, looking delicious. Ugh I seriously shouldn't be thinking about this right now.

"Did you get her to give you the necklace?" He asks and Scott sighs. "Not exactly," he responds and Stiles frowns. "What happened?" Stiles asks and I look at Scott, wondering what he'd say. "She told me not to talk to her... at all," he says and Stiles takes a bite, starting to talk while having food stuffed in his mouth.

"So she's not giving you-" he starts and Scott's cuts him off. "She's not giving me the necklace!" He says frustrated and Stiles sighs. "Okay. Well did you find anything else out?" He asks and I look at Stiles. "Just that I know nothing about girls and that they're totally psychotic," Scott says and I frown, throwing food at him.

"Hey!" I say and Stiles chuckles. "Why would you send photos to your ex showing how miserable you both are now! That is common knowledge you idiot!" I say and roll my eyes.

"Okay. I just came up with a plan B just in case anything like this happened," he says and I frown. "What's plan B?" I ask curiously and Stiles raises his hands. "Just steal the stupid thing," he says and I roll my eyes.

"Couldn't we try at least getting to Harris?" Scott asks and Stiles shakes my head. "My dad put him on a 24-hour protective detail, okay? The necklaces all we got. Steal it, thank you," he says and Scott looks kind of worried.

"Guys, he's watching us," he says and I look at Scott, then at Jackson, Jesus crisis is he trying to look intimidating? Seriously?!

"Act normal," Scott says and I smirk, putting my middle finger in the air and sticking my tongue out. "Celia!" Scott hisses and Stiles rushes to push my hand down chaoticly.

"Scott? Can you hear me? You can can't you?" I hear Jackson saying and I throw my head back and sigh dramatically.

"What's wrong?" Stiles asks and I look at Stiles. "Jackson's talking to him, he knows he has super ears," I say and Stiles was going to look, but I quickly kiss him instead, making his head look at me and he leans into the kiss. "Don't look, he'll know," I whisper and then I look at Scott.

"Just talk to me, act normal," he whispers and I look at Scott. "You don't have to whisper, he can't hear you," I say and smile. "Pretend that's nothing's happening," Scott asks and Stiles looks lost. Oh God.

"Are you trying to pretend not to hear me?" He asks and Scott looks at me. "Say something talk to me!" I say and Stiles starts panicking slightly. "I can't think of anything my minds a complete blank!" Stiles hisses and my eyes widen.

"Your mind is blank?! You can't think of something to say?" I ask surprised and Stiles nods. "Not under this kind of pressure!" Stiles frowns and I put my head on his shoulder, fake crying.

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