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Today was a total disaster

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Today was a total disaster. I didn't mean to plan this. I didn't mean for it to go this way, I just wanted her to be okay. After she ran towards Scott I was left with Melissa and Peter when I drove into them.

Later on I hear that Deaton knows about everything, but that Celia left after he took Scott. Then before I know it Lydia asks me for the dance, I was surprised that she had agreed that we take her. I was even more surprised Celia suggested it. Scott told me to do it so I can keep an eye on her and Allison, as they are friends.

In all this Derek were missing, Jackson didn't wanted to cooperate and suddenly Celia is here, dying.

I look at her and she looks... dead? "Let go of her," I say and Peter does so, leaving me be. "Celia? Celia?!" I yell and put my fingers on her pulse. "Celia? Celia, wake up! Wake up please!" I beg her and Peter looks at me.

"You're coming with me," he says and I look at him, astonished. "I'm not leaving her here," I say and Peter sighs. "She's fine, just passed out, you're coming with me," he says and I just sighs. "Look just kill me okay? I don't care anymore," I say and he lifts me up with his finger, his claw out.

"Call your friend, tell Jackson where she is, that's all you get," he says and I text Jackson, Jackson doesn't give too fucks about her and we have to leave, fuck.

I was in the car, Peter next to me. The hatred I felt with him is so strong I just want to kill us together so everyone's done with him.

"Don't worry, if Lydia lives she'll become a werewolf, she'll be incredibly powerful," he says and I clench my jaw. "Yeah, and once a month she'll go out of her freaking mind and try to tear me apart," I say and Peter sighs.

"Well, actually considering that she's a woman, twice a month," I scowl at him and I sigh. Very funny. "You almost killed my girlfriend you know," I says and I think about about Celia. "I know. It's her own fault," he says and I clench my hands around the steering wheel tightly.

We park in a parking lot and Peter grabs the back of my shirt, pulling me with him. "Whose car is this?" I ask and Peter opens it. "It belonged to my nurse," he says and I frown. "What happened to your nur- oh my God!" I yell when I see a dead body and an arm holding a briefcase, then Peter gives it to me. Yikes.

"I got better," he says and I sigh. "Goodluck getting a signal down here," I say and Peter gives me something. "Oh, mifi, and you're a mac guy," I say and look at the mifi. "Does that go for all werewolves or just a personal preference?" I ask and Peter gives me a pointed look to shut up.

"Turn it on. Get connected," he orders and I look at the mifi again. "You know, you're really killing the whole werewolf mystique thing here." I say and connect the phone and sigh.

"Look, you still need Scott's username and password and I'm sorry. But I don't know them," I say and Peter argues with me. Of course. "You know both of them," he says and I sigh. "No, I don't," I argue back and Peter looks at me. "Even if I couldn't hear it on your heartbeat, I would still know you were lying," he says and I start to get irritated.

"Dude, I swear to God I don't know-" I get cut off when he slams my head to the keyboard. I breathe heavily as I have my eyes closed. "I can be very persuasive Stiles," he says and I groan. "Don't make me persuade you too," he let's go of me and I start typing quickly.

"What happens after you find Derek?" I ask curiously and Peter snaps. "Don't think Stiles, type!" I thought I was the smart one?

"You're gonna kill people aren't you?" I ask and Peter sighs. "Only the responsible ones," he says and I sigh. "Look, if I do this, you have to promise to leave Scott out of it," I say compromising. "Do you know why wolves hunt in packs?" He asks and I shake my head.

"It's because their favoured prey are too large to be brought down by one wolf alone, I need Derek and Scott. I need Celia too, but if I persuade you guys she'll go with them, after all she was always a bit stubborn" he says and I imagine him with a little Celia.

"I need all of them," he says again and I shake my head. "They're not gonna help you," I argue and Peter looks at me. "Oh he will, because it'll save Allison," he says confidently and gets closer to me. "And you will, because it'll save Scott," he says and I look down.

"Your best friend, whom you know so well, you even have his username and password," he says and I sigh, typing in Allison. "His username is Allison?" Peter asks confused and I type Allison again. "His password is also Allison?" He asks now annoyed. "You still want him in your pack?" Someone is obsessed with a hunter.

Peter looks annoyed to the other side and I grin on the inside. I wonder if Celia is okay, if she is safe in a hospital.

I look at the screen, surprised. "Okay what the? That's where they're keeping him?" I ask and frown. "his own house?" I ask and Peter starts to realise.

"Not at it, under it, I know exactly where that is," he says and I hear distant howling. "And I'm not the only one," he says and I frown.

We walk towards Peters car and he puts the stuff back, again I hear howling and so does he. "Give me your keys," he says and I sigh. "Careful, she grinds in a second," I say and he just breaks them, bowing them so I can't drive, he opens the door and I look at my keys. Great.

"So you're not gonna kill me?" I ask confused and he closes it again. "Oh, God," I say and take a step back. "Don't you understand yet? I'm not the bad guy here," he defends himself and I look at him sarcastically.

"You turn into a giant monster with red eyes and fangs and you're not the bad guy here?" I say sarcastic and he sighs. "I like you Stiles," he just says and I sigh, both annoyance and relief.

"Since you've helped me, I'm going to give you something in return, do you want the bite?" The bite? What? Is he serious? "What?" I ask confused and he repeats his question. "Do you want the bite?" He asks again and I just look at him, slightly wide eyes and my mouth slightly open.

"If it doesn't kill you, it could, you'll become like us," he says and I see the big bad werewolf in front of me. "Like you," I say and he nods. "Yes, a werewolf. Would you like me to draw a picture?" He asks sarcastic and I'm both surprised he has humour inside of him and because he offered me the bite.

"That first night in the woods I took Scott because I needed a new pack, that could've easily been you," he says getting closer to me. "You'd be every bit as powerful as him, no more standing by his side, watching him become stronger and quicker and more popular. Watching him get the girl, you'd be equals, or maybe more," he says and slowly takes my arm.

"Yes or no?" He asks and wants to bite me, but I quickly pull away, changing my mind before it's too late. "I do not want to be like you," I say and Peter looks at me. "Do you know what I heard just then? Your heart beating slightly faster over the words 'I don't want'" he states and I just look at him.

"You may believe you're telling the truth but you are lying to yourself," he says and before I could say something he starts leaving. "Goodbye Stiles," he says and gets in the car driving away.

Fucking hell.

~1418 words~

Just watched Driving Home 2 U for the first time and I am speechless. I LOVED Jealousy Jealousy, unfortunately the tickets to her tour were sold out in 1 minute so I couldn't get them :/

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