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"So," Stiles starts

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"So," Stiles starts. "Are you going to explain the whole, 'do you have trouble with the full moon' part?" He asks and I shake my head, pretending that it never happened. Besides, he was eavesdropping! "Nope, nothing to say," I say stubbronly and he sighs. Why would he think I would tell him anyway?

"When did you turn? I mean- why didn't you tell us?" Stiles asks and I look at him, frowning. "If I would've told Scott I was a werewolf, he would've freaked out, he could've shifted. Besides, I tried, but you guys wouldn't listen."

Stiles scoffs and shakes his head in disbelief, not believing me. "That's bullshit. You didn't turn yesterday did you? You could've told us a long time ago," he states and I cross my arms, not liking the way he's attacking me. "I would never tell something like that to you anyways," I murmer, but he hears me. Is he a werewolf too or something? How can he hear me?!

"Like me?" I look at him and see that his jaw is clenched and he isn't happy. Good. "Yes like you. Annoying, sarcastic, dumb, you would've probably make a joke out of it and make me embarrass myself!" I defend and Stiles shakes his head in disbelief. "Dumb? Who is the one that found out about werewolves in the first place?" He asks and I raise my hands in frustrating.

"You are such a liar! I told you guys and besides, who was the one that didn't even come up with a fucking plan what would happen once we found the body, besides, I'm still mad about that anyways!" I start yelling and Stiles starts driving faster.

"God you are so arrogant!" Is the only thing that he can come up too. "Arrogant! You like the fact that Scott's bitten! It makes your life interesting and Scott's a living hell!" I yell again, this time louder and I grow mad, but this time Scott isn't here to stop me.

"You know I'm driving here! I can kick your little ass out of the car right now," he states and I scoff. "As if." I dare him and he looks at me, probably wondering if I'm being serious or not.

"No, I'm serious, stop the car and try to get me out of it, I'll show you what my little ass can do," I say and he clenches his jaw. "Fine."

"Fine!" I say and he stops the car, parking it at the end of the road. He gets out - with the keys - and walks over to my side. I smirk when he opens the door and takes a deep breathe. "Leave," he says and I start laughing. "Leave? Are you serious? That's all you can come up with? I'm embarrassed for you," I say and he just looks at me.

I don't usually see Stiles irritated, well I'm lying when I say that, but still. His brows were furrowed and he was thinking of a plan in that stupid brain of his.

"Oh look! A stick! Go fetch, come on, fetch!" He says and throws a stick to the side of the road, making my anger boil. "I suggest you stop making a fool out of me before I am officially done with you," I threaten and he scoffs.

"What are you gonna do? Howl at me?" He asks and I growl at him, my eyes glowing a bright yellow. He takes a step back, his eyes widened and his mouth slightly open.

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