Chapter Fourteen:

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Savannah grabbed her backpack. "The plan is we go to San Francisco and find the four." she slipped her backpack on her shoulders. "Any questions?" She asked the silent room of men and a cat. A hand raised up. "Yes Nikolai?" She acknowledges the russian. "Will there be vodka?" He asked and put his hand down at his side. "I'm sure there would be some in a huge city..." She responded uneasy.
Meanwhile as the five were getting on a plane, there was a bolt of lightning that hit a ghost town, now a tourist attraction in Angola Africa. People started running out to the lightning bolt. Standing where the Lightning struck was a scientist that looked like a young adult, a farm girl, an African American man, and a older man. "What happened to the town? There's no zombies!" The farm girl known as Misty shouted. "And there is humans!" The scientist exclaimed. The African American man glanced around. People had cameras and cell phones taking pictures and calling people. "What the hell are they doing?!" He shouted. "I have no idea but it's freaking me out Russman.." The older gentleman named Samuel spoke in a quiet and panicked tone. "You four! You guys are the World travelers who killed the undead!" A woman wearing glasses spoke in a eager voice. She began clapping and so did the crowd. "What the fuck..." Samuel said.

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