Chapter Twenty Seven:

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Richtofen couldn't stop smiling and humming 115. "Doc, why are you so happy?" Tank asked. "Nein. I vill not tell you Dempsey." The German responded and walked into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and began to rummage through it. He was finally satisfied when he pulled out a bottle of orange juice so he grabbed a cup from the cabinet and poured some OJ into his glass. Takeo walked into the kitchen and started to prepare some jasmine tea. Richtofen sits at the kitchen table and sips his orange juice while reading the Sunday paper. Savannah comes downstairs in a pair of jeans and a grey t shirt. "Good morning Tak, Eddy." She greeted the two men. Takeo gave a smile to her and Edward gave a small nod. "I have to go to the grocery store if anyone wants to come with..." Savannah asked as she twirled her jeep keys around her finger. "I vill" Dr. Richtofen offers and smiles shyly. "Okay anyone else?" No one else spoke. "Okay Tak can you be in charge of the house while we are gone?" The girl asked as she put her sunglasses on. "You have my word." The Japanese man bows and finished cooking his jasmine tea. Dr. Richtofen stood up out of his seat and followed Savannah out into the garage. "So what did you think of last night?" The blonde asked as she opened the door to her green jeep and pressed the garage opener. The German got in after her and smiled. "It vas vunderbar!!!!!" He exclaimed. Savannah backed out of the garage. "Edward I think I'm in love with you..." She mumbles shyly as she pulled out of the drive way and down the road. "Ich liebe dich too." Edward simply replied. Savannah smiled and kept driving. "So Eddy, how do you feel about the future?" She turned and pulled onto the highway where they first met. "Vell I like it..." He smirked and looked at her. "I did not zhink I vould because zhere vas neinzhing to look forvard to back zhen." He looked out the window. Savannah nodded and pulled into the parking lot of Walmart. "How did y'all relieve your sexual frustrations? I'm curious." She turned the jeep off and sat in the seat looking at him. "You know... You do it your self..." He blushed and squirmed under her green gaze. "Are you sure you and Tank didn't play hide the zucchini?" She teased him. "NEIN!!! I DO NOT LIKE DEMPSEY LIKE ZHAT!" Richtofen quickly defended himself. His face was bright red. "Okay Doctor calm down. I'm just messing with you." They both get out of the jeep and head into the Walmart.
*To Be Continued.*

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