Chapter *Samantha's voice and giggle* Twenty One!:

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Weasel yawns and sits outside waiting for the interview to begin. There was a girl standing in the audience staring up at him with curious round eyes. "What do you want girl?" The girl giggled and disappeared into the audience. Weasel rolled his eyes and propped himself up on the table with his hand. Billy noticed Weasel's temper. "Aye, you alright?" The man place a hand on the other's shoulder. "No. Im... Okay... Just confused..." Weasel mumbled and looked to where the girl was standing.

*At The Hotel Room*
"Okay guys, the meeting should start soon are you guys ready?..." Savannah spoke in a stressed out voiced. "Ja ve are." The Doctor looks into the room where Savannah was. She was wearing a auqa dress with matching shoes and her hair was pinned up in a pony tail. "Mein gott." He whispered to himself. Richtofen finished dressing himself in a black suit with a white dress shirt and a red tie. The German walks into Savannah's room and sits on the bed. "Nice outfit eddy..." Savannah had a blush working Its way across lightly freckled cheeks. "Danke. Zhe ozher men should be finished soon." For whatever reason, he couldn't think of what he truely wanted to say to the girl standing before him. Well in his eyes she wasn't a meer girl anymore but a women. "Why are you staring at me like that?... You look like a deer caught in headlights." Savannah watched the German closely. She bit her lip and kept quiet. It never occurred to her how handsome he was. The total of war has taken its toll on him but she couldnt stop admiring him. To her, he was like a birthday present sitting on a table at a party waiting to be undressed to reveal its secrets. "Nein. It is not me zhat is staring but it is you staring at me." Richtofen responded quietly. There was a small gap between the two of them. Savannah gulped before she made the first move. She leaned in and grabbed a hold of his red tie and pulled him in and kissed him passionately. Edward wasn't sure what to do about the kiss but for whatever reason he couldn't move even if he wanted to. It wasn't because Savannah had a grip on his tie but the grip she had on his heart. They finally broke the kiss when there was a knock on the door. "Hey Sav are you ready to go? I haven't seen the doc and I figured you'd know." Tank stood at the door. His cheeks were red and couldn't help but get a hard on from watching the display of affection. "Vell Dempsey I'm right here... Let's go..." The Doctor walked over to the man who was dressed in similar attire except for a green tie. Savannah stayed completely still. "Yeah yall are right let's go!" She shouts and rounds up Takeo and Nikolai. The Russian and Japanese men wore silver tuxedos with red and black ties.
"Yall look very handsome." Savannah complimented the men which gained a mad look from Richtofen which signaled jealousy. Nikolai, Takeo, and Tank left the room followed by Savannah and Richtofen which she took his hand and squeezed it.

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