Chapter Fifthteen:

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Savannah sat in the seat next to Edward. People were looking at the four men and the one woman. "Savannah?... Vhy are zhey looking at us like zhat for?" The Doctor whispered into her ear. "They may have figured y'all out by now..." She whispered back. Tank was sitting next to a little boy and couldn't help but notice how the kid reminded him of Savannah and The Doctor mixed together. The marine chuckled to himself. Takeo and Nikolai were minding their own business by watching World War Z. They watched up until Brad Pitt watched hoards of the undead run in the rear view mirror of his car. Nikolai had taken his headset off and tossed it back into the pocket of the seat. "This movie is awful..." He muttered to himself. Savannah looked over to him and smiled. "All the tactics are wrong. In my opinion, Brad Pitt should have done more to protect people..." She laughed. The Russian nodded and looked at Takeo who was leaning back in his seat. He looked sick to his stomach. "Is Tak okay?" Tank looked at the Japanese man. "No..." The air sick man got up out of his seat and ran to the bathroom and emptied the contents of his stomach. "He always got sick like zhat..." Edward nodded his head towards Takeo's seat. Savannah nodded and yawned. She layed her head on the Germans shoulder and drifted off to sleep.

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