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(Rue narrating)

Diana Hernandez younger sister of Kathrine Hernandez also none as Kat. She had a peaceful and relatively good childhood no common American trauma.

She was happy she loved her family especially her older sister. Kat was her role model she never noticed the physical things Kat did, Ana loved her mind and kindness. Her younger brother was like any younger brother.

As Kat grew more insecure so did Ana, Kat would often ask Ana questions 'are you sure this dress doesn't make my thighs look wide?' 'does this hide my stretch marks?'  'is my make up blended?' these were innocent questions that Ana should never worry about but she began to. She began to ask those questions to herself too and she was only five.

By sixth grade Ana had developed major social anxiety this wasn't just because from a young age she had these thoughts put in her head it was because Ana is a very shy sensitive person she rarely spoke her feelings to people.

Ana's appearance was often made up there wasn't really a day you would see her with out make up which is odd for this age. She definitely was proud of her lips they were the one thing she realised society loves, big lips, so she often wore bold lipstick.

She began to fail in primary school not being able to sleep and worrying to the point of a mild depression her parents sent her to live with her aunty in the city.

Now most people see this as her parents shipping her away as some disappointment but it was the opposite. Ana began to get help and got better.

She would visit every weekend and see Kat often they never grew apart and Ana never blamed Kat for anything as overthinking is the main reason of this illness.

This next part is a lot my fault and I feel very guilty about this. Last summer I OD as most people know now here's the thing, that day Ana came down to visit for a week and Gia and her had became good friends. They had been out at the mall when they got home, they were looking for me for whatever reason when Gia and Ana opened the door reviling me passed out on the floor.

Ana also somehow looked up to me a lot like Kat she hated seeing me like that, and I honestly thought I would never get to see her again this sadden me because I had been her babysitter and friend for along time.

But one day Gia came home all excited about how Ana is moving back to east highland, and sure enough she was. And to a surprise she wanted to see me.

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