27: I'm tired

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s2 ep7

'𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎'

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'𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎'

"Hasn't it always felt like that?"

"You fucking rely on me to much Diana!"

Me and Ash walk into his house with an awkward silence in the air after our fight, he chucks the keys on the table and Fez looks up from his blunt "yo ya'll have fun?" he asks and Ash goes straight to his room being like himself before we were close which made me feel horrible about myself.

"Yo what happened?" Fezco asks and I feel tears run down my face but I quickly wipe them away "uh just uh I n-need the bathroom," I quickly storm into the bathroom and slam the door and look at myself in the mirror.

I comb my fingers through my hair and try and wipe my smudge make up away. He was so right I do rely on him to much but he makes me not worry or care and as soon as he does something to upset me everything rushes back.

I hear a knock on the door "hey it's me Faye, can I come in?" she asks with her sweet voice and I open the door "hey Faye," she comes in and looks at my hair a mess and pushes it out of my face "Ana stop crying, Ash will come around. He loves you," I laugh to myself

"Thanks Faye," she nods "all good," "are you in love with Custer?" she stutters at the mention of his name "uh yeah."

"Faye I feel like your hiding something," I say and look to see her reaction "uh I'm not," she stutters and steps back from me "okay I trust you," she nods and walks out closing the door.

I fix myself and go and knock on Ashtray's door "Ash please can we talk?" I say leaning on the door frame "Ash let me in," he opens the door and looks at me sad and moves a side for me to come in.

I sit on his bed "Ashtray I love you, I am sorry if i've been clingy or whatever," he stands arms crossed "Ana I'm sorry, it's okay," he comes over and hugs me from the side around my waist.

"I was just fucking fed up with Faye's behaviour lately and Gena said some things that made me pissed," I nod hugging him.

"We need to sleep now," he says and we get ready for bed.

"I really can't sleeep," I groan as me and Ash spoon "well I can," I turn to face him and start kissing him and he doesn't kiss back so I move to his neck and start sucking.

"Fuck," he says as I hit sweet spot and I move on top of him and he grabs my face as we kiss. His hands move over my body and Ash is quick to take his top off and I help.

He soon moves to my neck as I feel his abs "Ash," I breath out and we continue.

We didn't get to sleep until at least 1:00.


I wake up to hear Fez "yo Ash get the door man!" I startle awake and Ash is hugging me and laughs "you okay?" I nod "yeah gave me a fright," he kisses me and gets up to open the door

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I wake up to hear Fez "yo Ash get the door man!" I startle awake and Ash is hugging me and laughs "you okay?" I nod "yeah gave me a fright," he kisses me and gets up to open the door.

I stretch and get up throwing my hair up in a bun and walking out of his room to see Faye steaming Fezco's shirt "morning Faye," I say still half asleep "Diana it's the afternoon," she says smiling "oh shit."

I open the bathroom door not seeing Fez "oh shit sorry," I say mindlessly closing it "nah you good, did you just wake up?" I nod and he smiles looking at my neck and I get self-conscious.

"What!" I say putting my hand over my neck "you and Ash need to chill," I look forward in the mirror and gasp as my neck is full of hickeys.

"What the fuck!" I say and quickly walk out of the bathroom to find Ashtray.

"What we got going on?" I hear Fez ask Faye and I find Ash at the door with Custer and I stop just before walking up to them.

"Oh hey your that girl from new years?" Custer says walking in and Ash watched him "uhh yeah," he nods walking passed me.

I watch him walk over to Fez and Faye "damn what's good?" he says and Ash grabs my hand and pulls me to his room.

"Ash my neck!" I yell and he laughs "fuck I know, I did a good job, right?" I push him on his bed and move his hoodie to look at his neck "wow I got you better though," he slaps my hand as I walk out of his room.

"Where are you going!" he says half shouting "to watch tv," I say un sure on why he asked that.

Before he could protest I was gone, I grab cereal from the kitchen and see Custer on the couch so I sit on the floor in front of the tv, my bowl on the table.

"Ayo wassup?" he asks as I try to just look at the tv changing the channel "I'm good," I say eating my coco puffs "so your like Diana right?" I look back at him and then the phone on the table.

Something felt off, especially with all the questions so I just nod "like Katherine's sister, y'all friends with Rue and shii," I squint my eyes and nod again.

I watch as he lights a cigarette and I turn back to the tv and then I hear him "psst," and I look back to see him trying to get Faye's attention "Faye! come here."

I turn back to the tv as I sense Faye walk over and he whispers something else to her. So I could see what was going on better I reach over the table to grab a cigarette and lighter.

I look up at them to see Custer holding Faye's leg she looks at me and shakes her head "I love you," I hear him whisper as I light the cigarette.

I then look back at them as I hear more whispering, I look passed them and into Ash's room to see him watching intently and I make eye contact with him.

I mouth 'somethings off' and he nods. I look back at the tv breathing in smoke and I try to calm my nerves.

"Yo Faye!" I hear Fez say, I see her quickly stand up "yeah?!" "come here for a split second!" "i'll be right there," I keep my eyes glued on the tv and watch a show that I have no interest in.

I then just hear Custer breath heavily and I breath out smoke my hand shaking, I want to leave but I was to scared to move.

The audio of the tv played as I hear Custer breath out loudly and then I look back as I hear someone walking over.

I then see Ashtray walking over just staring at Custer as he sits on the couch not breaking eye contact, Custer nods "how you doin', playa?" he asks and Ash doesn't say a word.

We both look over at Faye who passes the hallway, I look at one of Ash's hands to see a knife hidden up his sleeve.

My stomach begins to feel sick as I realise how bad this situation is, Faye walks into the kitchen grabbing a cup and we all look over at her slow movements.

Ashtray looks Custer up and down then over to me "yo can you get me a drink please?" Ash asks with a dead voice and I nod grabbing my bowl and slowly walking over.

I am now next to Faye "all right, uh I'm finna head out," Fez says and I start to fill the cup with water as I watch Fez "wait, you're, uh leaving?" Custer asks.

Fezco's phone dings and I flinch and Faye notices my stress levels and grabs my hand for comfort.

"Yeah I'm about to leave right now," my cup then over flows with water and I gasp and Fezco looks over at me then everyone else "is-is everything good?"

a/n i am gonna do a lot of editing on all my chapters but i have stuff planned and dw it isn't that sad

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