17: Aftermath

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(not based on a ep I AM UPDATING BC I HAVE NO LIFE)

(not based on a ep I AM UPDATING BC I HAVE NO LIFE)༒❥

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'𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝'

I awake to feeling Ash's body under mine I open my eyes my head pounding and I am in his bed, I look at Ash to see he has no shirt on and I'm in my bra. I quickly look under the covers to see I still have my underwear on and so does Ashtray.

I sigh and turn over to stare at Ashtray's features I watch as he looks so peaceful asleep as he breaths in and out "like what your looking at?" Ash says with his morning voice eyes still closed "yes actually," he laughs "uhh what happened last night?" I say kind of worried he turns to look at me.

"Don't worry we didn't do it, you were to drunk I didn't let you," I blush at his action "thanks Ash," he nods and hugs me "so how's it feel to be 16?" I look up "uhhhh still in love with you," he smiles into my neck "same don't think it will change."

I then remember the dinner with my parents "oh godddd," I say living the embarrassment again "what, what," I look at Ash "I probably never can go home you know," he laughs "nah you good," I slap him "no I'm not I am going crazy," I laugh "I mean like who says that," I groan.

"Nah that was valid, you never have been doing crazy shit like you do now so everyone needs to freak once or twice," he says pointing to my hair when he says twice and I laugh "my hair is definitely one," he leans forward and kisses me.

Ash moves his hand to my waist to pull my on top of him as we kiss but then we hear Fez yell "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" I hear and me and Ash jump out of bed not even thinking over covering up.

"What!" I yell as we find him in the lounge pointing to the hairless cat that is sitting on the couch and I start laughing "nah this shii ain't funny, is dat a rat or something?" Fez says truly freaked "no dis is Tray Ana's cat," Ash says picking it up and passing it to me.

"That's fuckin skinless BRO!"  Fez yells as I tease him by shaking it in his face "oh my gosh Fez it has skin!" I laugh.

Fez rolls his eyes and sits "the fuck, why didn't you get her a normal cat?" I sit next to him stroking the cat "why is everyone so jugdy about the fucking cat she wanted it I got it," Fez does a calming action with his arms "okayy, and can you sort out the passed out kids lying around here," I laugh "oh shit yeah."

"Also cover up both of you," I look at him confused then down and turn red and Ash sees and hugs me covering me up and we get changed.

"TROY!" I shout at the boy passed out behind the couch "shii what?" I laugh at the sharpie tattoos all over his face "gotta go home, take you twin too," he stands up nodding and they walk off.



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