21: Art of love

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I am hugging Ash as we lie on the couch as I am forcing him to watch Love Island "yo dis show is so stupid," I look up at him "I don't believe you, you have been watching this with me for three hours, you could of left," he had a guilty smile appear on his face.

"Fine! but don't fuckin tell anyone I enjoy this!" he slaps me arm I laugh and hug his torso "I would never do that," he looks down at me "so what happened earlier today?" I sigh.

"Me and Gia got into a fight," Ashtray sits up and faces me "yo why?" I watch as he pauses the tv "uh she's just been really off lately and she said things about me that were kinda true," I whisper the last part.

He squints his eyes and looks at me "what things?" I sigh "that I can't go anywhere without you," I say embarrassed "Ana? are you embarrassed," he says trying to look into my eyes.

I laugh "well it is kinda embarrassing because it is true," Ashtray just smiles as I look away "yo who cares I literally can't talk to people when your not there," he laughs kissing my forehead.

We then touch foreheads and lean into a hug "we really need to hang out with other people," I say as I laugh in his arms "yo for real, what else did she say?"

"Uh all this shit about you being a drug dealer because I called her out," he just nods sadly as I know that he doesn't like what he does.

"What did you call her out about?" "Troy being a dick, like he chose to be a dick and you didn't choose to be a drug dealer," he agrees and I hug him.

I then try to change the subject "so Lexi's play I booked a seat for you, you gonna come?" he sighs "nah sorry I can't because Fez is gonna go and I gotta be here you know?" I nod sad.

"That's fine but I'm not going then," he whips his head around to face me "ayo you can't not go because I'm not going!"

I go say something when Fez sits down in between us talking on the phone "yo Lexi you ruthless," he laughs not even acknowledging he sat in the middle of our conversation.

I just roll my eyes "nahhh for realll," I then snatch the phone out of his hands.

L- Fez your hilarious

M- aw thanks

L- Ana what?!

M- so I was just gonna say I can't come to the play..

I watch as Ash stands up signaling to not say that and he kept leaning forward trying to snatch the phone back I keep moving my arm.

L- aww no whyyy?

A- nah she is, she just playing!
Ashtray shouts and I slap him.

M- I'm sorry Lex

L- actually you could come to my live rehearsal tomorrow after school it will be like the real thing but without the audience


Ashtray rolls his eyes and sits down and Fez is death staring me and I completely forgot I stole his phone.

M- okay Lex we'll be there thanks

L- okay cool

M- here's ya boyfriend byeee

I pass the phone back to Fez who continues to talk.

I sit on Ashtrays lap as I play Love Island again "hey guys," Faye says sitting next to Fez "hey Faye," I say but as she sees me with Ash her face drops.

"Oh uh, are you guys still together?" she says looking worried "yeah?" I say confused "oh Ash aren't you worried about her safety?" Ashtray adjusts me on his lap "uh nothing to worry about I will keep her safe."

I look at Faye's concerned face and my gut is telling me something is off but that feeling soon leaves.

I then move as he keeps moving me to an uncomfortable position "oh really? well what if something happens?" Faye asks, Ashtray groans as he moves my hips "ION KNOW!" he says loud causing me to flinch and laugh.

"Wow you okay?" he rolls his eyes "you moving to much stop," he whispers through gritted teeth "what?" I say not getting it and Fez stands up "Ash bruh calm down I can't hear Lexi."

I stand up and he breaths out a sigh of relief and then I click "oh my goodness," I say laughing at him and Ashtray seriously shakes his head "okay let's go for a walk."

"Nah I'm good," he stays seated and I smile "HA okay," I go back to sit on his lap and he stands up hiding himself behind me holding my hips "don't play wit me like that."

We walk into his room and I flop on his bed "you know tomorrow will be our first date," I say excited "yo it will be, can't wait," he says like an excited kid.


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