3:New Years part 2

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'𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚘 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞'

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'𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚘 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞'

I found myself back in Fezco's car luckily alive, "what the fuck Rue!!!" I say slapping her arm as she jumps into the car, she freezes and raises her hands "wow chilll its not my fault," then I just start to laugh, she slightly laughs with me then keeps going soon we both are pissing ourselves.

"Honestly that was the craziest shit I've ever experienced, the fucking dude with the long hair and the fuckin gun what was his deal that was a fucking look wasn't it," I just keep laughing "yeah definitely," "jeez omg an-and when he took me to the back I thought for sure this is not good," "for real and when I got dragged into the closest holy," she laughed.

"Oh fuck yeah and that lady just say she is a fucking gangster, she's a fucking gangster they all work for her," I laugh soon to be interrupted.

"Why you acting like that shit was fun Rue, for real y'all pissing me off, acting dumb as fuck right now goddam all smiling and laughing and shii, you know half of that shit was your fault too, fucking around acting stupid."

"No no I'm sorry, I'm just asking serious question how many female drug dealers do you know," "like good ones," "yes," he looked over at Ash "one," "case in point."

The drive was quiet for a minute or so until Rue lit up "can I have a hit," she stares at me for a minute "no, I am babysitting you," I roll my eyes "don't even try I can blackmail you so much right now," she shrugged and passes it to me I inhale and soon enough we have reached the party and I'm high I mean not as high as Rue but high.

I get out of the car so does Rue "okay so stay with Ash please," I scoff "um why?" "because I'm going to do some adult things and we all know what happened in that closet," my eyes widen "nothing happened!"

"Hm sureee nothing that you wanna admit," Ash appears next to me "Rue shut the fuck up and let us live," before I can say anything he grabs my arm and pulls me into the crowd outside of the house.

I walk next to him his hand wrapped around my arm, I looked around at the crowds of people until a guy stops us he is around my age "Hey, your Diana right?" the guy had blue eyes and brown hair and was a lot taller then me but about the same height as Ash "uh yeaah how'd you know?" the boy laughs "like your Kat's sister right?" he said licking his lips, Ash's grip was now a lot harder around my arm.

"Yeah?" he moves closer to me trying to exclude Ash "you know she's pretty hot and so are you but the question is are you easy like her?" he whispers in my ear making me flinch and I knew what he was talking about too, Ash pushes the guy back cause him to fall over.

"Ayo what the fuck man, nah take yo shit out of my site!" Ashtray says shouting down at the guy, "whatever not my fault they both whores," Ash went forward and kicks him right in the stomach.

"Don't ever talk about her like that again you fucking bitch," I saw the guys friends see what was going on and started to come over "damn we gotta go," I say then Ash and me run leaving the guy on the ground in pain.

We stop running as we get around the back of the house "shit, that was cool as fuck," Ash looks at me seriously "that shit was messed up! Does that always happen?" he asked me "uh sometimes, its only because of some video of Kat though, it gets their hopes up," I say trying not to look into his eyes "well fuck," he says feeling sorry for me.

I got to admit I was in a really weird trance when I did this, I lean forward and hug Ash, at first he was stiff then softened up to me "thanks for that," I let go of him "yeah nah it's cool," he says nervous, I smile at him "Ash was this your first hug this whole year," I say as it is about 20 mins to the new year.

"Maybe," "well lets just say I've only known you for a couple of hours but I am way less innocent," I giggle "maybe your not such a good girl," I blush as we stare at each other. I see Kat coming up to us.

"I TOLD YOU TO TEXT ME!!!" she says walking fast up to me with Jules and Maddy next to her. Ash takes a step back from me realizing how close we are. "Oh shit sorry I forgot," she laughed "you forgot to message me and your an hour late," I sigh and look at Ash who is to uncomfortable to leave or stay "yeah, hi Maddy, hi Jules," Jules waves.

"Hi Ana, see you got a boy toy," she says pointing to Ash "uhhh," Kat looks between us confused "well now everything makes sense, why didn't you just say you were trying to hook up with a guy! you know I would of supported it.... Isn't that they drug dealer kid?" she whispered the last part to Jules "yeah..." she replied "and your stoned okay well I give up, have a great night and keep you v card please," Kat says walking off "byeee babe," Maddy says "have fun!" I shout to them.

I look back at Ash "I'm so sorry about that," he smiles "nah you good, there's some people I gotta meet you coming," I nod "sure."

We walk over to a group of older teenagers sitting by the pool "hey wassup man," the one with a cap asks "good bruh, got the shit," "thank god," the women in a pink swimsuit says. Ash sits on a pool chair and I sit on pillow on the ground between his legs.

"This yo bitch," one guy asks as they do business "not yet," he says cocky, I look up at him he smirks looking down at me.

Ash's phone started to vibrate "Yo what's good?" "start the car be ready man," "all right sure thing," he says pulling me up "dude I-" one guy says holding money out "no dude I'm done for the night," "wait where are you guys going."

As we were walking fast he finally told me what was up "so you going back wit us," I shake my head "no Kat is taking me," "ight well I gotta dip, come by the store sometime though," "ok bye," "peace," he says running off.

I get a fright as I hear shouting and screaming from inside, I run inside until I stop in my tracks to see Fez beating the shit out of Nate??

I gasp as Mc Kay pulls him off Nate "holy shit," I whisper. Until Kat grabs my arm "we're leaving."

a/n: i cbb editing i did this when I've only had 4 hrs of sleep so sorry if theres a lot of mistakes

Thanks for the reads tho!!!!

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