19: Young love

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(set back when Ana is about 5)

'𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎'

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'𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎'

(third person pov)

The young girl walked out of school with Rue by her side 'okay Ana please wait here I have to go and talk with Lex and her mum,' the older girl walked off to the parked car. Diana waited leaned against the school fence, she watched sadly as the other kids walked passed her.

The light haired girl entwined her fingers through the fence nervously as she felt all the eyes burn into her when a red head girl walked up to her 'your Diana right?' she asked laughing and Diana tensed up at the middle schoolers presence.

'Yes,' she replied shyly the red head covered her mouth 'your the girl with the fat sister Kat,' she started laughing, Diana just stood there about to cry 'aw don't cry, I mean your not any better then her you can both cry about how fat you are,' a small tear ran down Diana's cheek.

The red head soon had two of her friends by her side 'hi I'm Jess,' the blonde one said to the small girl 'hi,' Diana says picking at her hand 'ugh tell Kat to break up with Daniel as he's way to good for her,' Ana just nods 'your actually pathetic can you even talk?'

They all laugh one girl goes to say something when a boy Diana's age walks up to her 'back up,' he says to the three girls who roll there eyes and walk off, Diana breaths out a sigh of relief 'you okay?' he asks looking at the girl.

'Yes why did you help me?' the smaller boy smiles 'because they looked like they were being mean,' Diana's smile appears and the boy nods and walks off Diana couldn't even get his name or say thank you.

And to this day Diana would never remember or know that Ashtray was looking out for her since the beginning.

Rue walks back up to the girl 'okay we can walk to my house now,' she says wrapping her arm around the younger girl 'Rue what's for dinner?' she smiles 'my dads making pizza.'

a/n idk y i did this but i just think it makes there relationship cuter and I AM SO EXCITED FOR EP 7 BUT IF ASH DIES I WILL TOO

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