18: Stay Fly

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(not based on a ep)



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After me and Ash were finished in the bathroom, I run back to class which had started five mins ago when I see Lexi walking down the hall and she greets me with a happy smile "hi Ana, happy birthday," she smiles and I thank her "so you and Fez had a real moment the other day," I tease she blushes.

"Yeah he's super sweet," I agree "how's Cassie doing?" her face drops "I wouldn't know she ran off with Nate," my mouth hangs open "you mean she up and left?" she nods "mhm I'm so over her," she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah she's being really shitty at the moment," "yeah so my play you coming?" I laugh "YES!" she laughs holding my shoulder.

"Okay great ill book a seat for you next to Kat, is Ash gonna come?" I smile "i'll make him come," she giggles "okay I will book one for him next to you," I hug her "thanks!"

I am now very very late to class so I had to make that embarrassing entrance when everyone looks at you, I walk into English and watch all the heads turn at the sound of the door "Miss Hernandez sit down where were you?"

"Sorry Mrs. P just some personal problems," she nods and I sigh and pull out my note book. Roy leans over and whispers something to me "you and Ashtray have fun?" he question gesturing to his neck I then realize I probably have hickeys "shit," I mutter.

I watch as Gena and Ruby whisper and giggle looking at my neck and I start to feel really self-conscious and breath quicker, Ruby leans over to me "it's kind of sad how Ash can take your virginity but you can't take his," she pouts.

"Yeah sorry I stole that opportunity from you," Gena spoke giggling I roll my eyes "honey I know you took Ash's virginity, see we are in a relationship and you never were so that's maybe why you thought I didn't know, cause you know me and Ash tell each other everything," Gena looks taken back and faces the front again.

I lean over to Roy "wanna ditch to the bathroom?" he looks at me with his big smile "yo let's go."

I watch as the teacher was busy with a student, me and Roy quickly walk out the door "nah for real what were you and Ash doing?" he asks as we walk to the bathroom "nothingggg," he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Uh okay I don't believe you, all I have to say is if he gets you pregnant I'm coming for him," I look at him and roll my eyes "hm Ash would definitely kick your ass," he opens the bathroom door and lets me in "nah I don't think so."

I walk in smiling to myself knowing he would "kay wanna hit?" he says offering his vape I nod "wait is this a weed vape?"

He nods breathing it in "uh fuck it," I take the vape "are you sure dis is the hard stuff?" I nod and breath in Roy stares at me leaning on the wall.

"I don't understand you?" he breaths out and we both sit "what do you mean?" he brings his knees up to his chin.

"I mean you used to be this innocent girl who wouldn't ever dream of dating a drug dealer," I smile at the mention of Ash.

"I don't know I just stopped caring about little things and decided to only care for him," he smiles "you love him?" I blush "yeah I do and I literally couldn't live without him."


After a while me and Roy are cracking up on the floor of the bathroom when I get a call from someone Rue.

R- hey Ana

D- omg Rue hi

R- I wanted to call to say happy birthday, Gia said it was a blast sorry I couldn't make it

D- thanks and don't worry about it, how are you doing?

R- good I guess, I'm clean anyway

D- that's great Rue

R- I have to go but love you and bye

D- Love you too bye

I hang up and start laughing for no reason Roy looks at me worried "you good?" he asks "yeah uh this weed is really getting to me," he starts laughing.

"Nah your a mess you can't go to class like this," I start laughing again "I knowww," he pulls out his phone "should I call Ash to pick you up?" "uh yeah but it's only been two hours of school and I am leaving," I laugh falling on my side.

"Yeah wassup man yo girl needs to be picked up my bad," I hear Roy say into the phone as I watch the walls, next thing I know Ash is holding me "what the fuck Ana?"

"Ash I'm sorryyyy," I say as he lifts me up "hey man I didn't know she wouldn't be able to handle it." Ashtray glares at him "yo better leave before I hurt you," Ashtray says with a deep voice and Roy holds his hands up in defense and walks out.

"Ana we have to try and walk through the school not looking like I'm kidnapping a passed out girl, can you do that for me?" I stand leaning on him and can barely keep my eyes open "of courseee."

We walk through the hall way as Ash grips is hand tight around my waist as we make our way out of the school, when we are finally at the front he helps me into the car.

"Okay since I want you to have a good future we're going to yours for an hour then your going back to school," he says serious.

"Okay sirrrr," I say and he glares at me cause of what I called him "Diana think are your parents home?" I snort "no they both work."


We walk up the stairs up into my room and now I have a lot of energy and the bad trip was ending, I turn on the radio and flop on my bed and look at Ash who does the same.

"I'm sorry you had to come all the way to pick me up," I pout as he looks emotionless at me and I take up the challenge. I start kissing him, he try's hard not to but soon gives in. I tug on his shirt as I want it off and he soon takes it off and I start to suck his neck.

I then hear Hit 'em up style play over the radio and pull away from Ash "OH MY GOD IT'S OUR SONG!!" I shout still very high and he looks at me like I'm crazy "okay yay, keep kissing me," he says and I get up off him "I will after the song."

"HEY LADIES!" I sing as I grab my hair brush and go down on my knees and Ash looks down at me.

"WHEN YOUR MAN WANNA GET BUCK-WILD " I slowly make my way up to Ash and start to straddle him "JUST GO BACK AND HIT 'EM UP STYLE-" he pulls my face down and kisses me "I love you and your singing but-" I smile against his lips "yeah I know," he laughs.

Me and Ash were topless and to busy on my bed to notice Kat arriving home to pick something up, Ash was on top of me with our bottoms clothed still when she walked in "what the fuCK!" she shouts the last bit as she saw.

I scream and Ash yells "OH MY GOSH I AM SO SORRY!" Kat shouts still in my room, Ashtray is desperately looking for his shirt "uhh shii sorry Kat, fuck," Ashtray shouts slipping his top on and getting off my bed I sit up "UM?!?! what do you need?" I say running my fingers through my hair.

Kat just stares "I didn't need anything I heard noises from your room and no one is meant to be home," she says traumatized "oh my god I- just leave I don't think I will be able to talk to you for about a month," I say sarcastic.

"Fuck okay yep I'm gone," she says rolling her eyes and closing the door "well I am going back to school now," I laugh and Ash nods "what's up wit people always walking in on us?" I shake my head "I don't even know."

a/n I think this is it before the new ep AND I AM FREAKING OUT ABT IT ( also i might do some editing on my chapters no major changes tho)

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