26: New old love

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'𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚝 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎'

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'𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚝 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚎'

Fezco pulls up to the now dead party as Maddy helps me with Ashtray "yooo what happened?" Fez says from car "he's wasted," I say as I put him next to me in the car as he tucks his head into my shoulder, "thanks Mads, bye," I say, she waves.

"Fez what's going on with Ash?" I ask as Ash is passed out "ion know I think it's because he thinks something is going on wit Faye, its making him crazy," I farrow my eyes as I thought the same.

"Wait what he say about Faye?" he sighs "nothing he's just thinking to much," I nod and look down at Ash.

As the drive was a little long Ash woke and looked at me "you so pretty," he breaths out and I smile "your pretty too," he gives the cutest smile then passes out again.

He better not fucking leave me.


I groan as I feel Ashtray push me awake "Ana," he whispers and I turn to look at him and he's holding a tray of food and I smile sitting up "Ash? what is this?" I say as he puts the try on my lap "a way of saying sorry about getting drunk and ruining yo party."

Ash says showing his dimples "aw honey you didn't ruin it," I say looking at the coco puffs and coffee "I did though, don't fuckin lie," he says sarcastically.

"Well this makes up for it then," I say smiling drinking the coffee "is it good?" he asks watching me and the coffee strong flavor hits my mouth and I choke "uhhh mhm," he slumps back on the bed "fuck sorry," I hug him "stop saying sorry!"

He laughs standing up "well I'm taking you out," he says pulling me up "uhhh what, since when do we go out?" I laugh

"Since now, get dressed we're having breakfast at ummm subway," I laugh at him "subway? the fuck," he rolls his eyes "it doesn't matter at least your there."



make up:

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make up:

"Wait y'all going to the fuckin subway for a date?" Faye says blowing out smoke and I look at her "yeah apparently," I look at Ash who throws his arms up "what's so bad about subway!"

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"Wait y'all going to the fuckin subway for a date?" Faye says blowing out smoke and I look at her "yeah apparently," I look at Ash who throws his arms up "what's so bad about subway!"

"No it's okay I don't mind!" I say hugging him and we walk out the door.


We soon were at the mall and I was holding Ashtrays hand "wanna go shopping first?" I say really happy "uhh for sure," we walk into the nearest clothes store and I look at some dresses "what you wanna get?" he asks as I pick up a red dress.

"You are not buying me anything," I say laughing and I put the dress back and he grabs it again "this is cute, I'll get it for you," I pull the dress out of his hands "Ash I don't want the dress kay, thanks for the offer though," I smile putting it back.

We then walk to the photo booth and sit inside it, "are we gonna pose and shii," I laugh as the camera clicks "yes Ash it is already taking pictures!" he quickly kisses me on the cheek for the last picture.

We get out of the booth to see Gia and Troy walking in the mall and I try and drag Ashtray the other way before he sees them but it is to late. "Yo is that fuckin Troy!" he says glaring at the couple at the milkshake bar.

"Ash leave it-" I say but he is already storming up to them and I chase after him. Ash walks up to Troy and taps him on the shoulder "yo Ash uh wassup?" Troy asks nervous and Gia looks at me sad. "Ash lets just go," I say pulling his arm "nah for real, I wanna know why Troy all up in Gia's business again?"

Ash says as he told me the deal he had with Troy "hey man we just talkin," Troy says holding his arms up "Diana tell Ash to leave please," she says speaking up "Gia shut your mouth, ion know what's going on but you can't fuckin hurt Diana like you did," Troy stands up close to Ash.

"Yo man! don't fuckin talk to her!" Troy says pushing Ash "okay! stop showing off both of you," I say pulling Ash back and we walk off as Gia watches me leave. Me and Ash sit at subway with our food and I look forward at him and he was just staring down at his food.

"Ash what's going on?" I say kind of pissed "fuck," he just mutters under his breath "look something has been bothering you for a while just talk to me!" I say finally having enough of his closed off behavior "Diana! fuck!" he shouts walking off to the bathroom.

I close my eyes to hold back tears as he was in the bathroom and I put my hands through my hair. When he sat back down in front of me I just look at him with sad eyes "Diana, I feel like something is gonna happen and it will ruin us," I just look up from my hands.

"Hasn't it always felt like that?"

a/n okay ep7 next chapter :)

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