22: All for love

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'𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑!'

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'𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗 𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑!'

"Mum you have to be kidding me!" I shout at her as she shakes her head "I won't argue this is the least you can do!" I storm up to my room "why taking meatloaf to Mr Vaughn, you know I don't like Jules!" my mum walks up to me and holds my face calming me.

If I am being honest I have missed her "honey I was talking with her dad and he is struggling with the mother being out of there life so this a nice thing to do," I sigh and nod "okay fine."

I walk downstairs and grab the food "please baby come home," my mother says as I am here only to visit Kat I look at her "I can't," I close the door and don't have to walk that far until I am at Jules's house.

I knock at the door and Jules's dad opens it smiling "hey you must be Kat's sister?" I nod passing him the meatloaf "here my mum made it for you," he smiles "how kind tell her I said thanks," I nod and smile and I see Jules in the background.

She looks really sad and I see her dad read the situation wrong "oh come in," he says moving aside I walk in awkwardly "oh thanks," Jules walks up to me "hey Diana," I wave and then say breaths out "do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Sure," I say and I follow her to her room and she sits on her bed and so do I "I know that you know something about me," I squint my eyes "ummm," she walks over to her mat and lifts it up to reveal a disc and my eyes widen.

"Nate told me that his dad spilled it to you and I know you hate me so I wanted to make sure you wouldn't tell anyone," Jules says sitting on the floor and I sigh "Jules I would never tell anyone about that, It's not my place to tell," I say and she sniffs "thanks Diana."

"All good, um did Nate say that anyone else knew?" she shakes her head "nope," I farrow my eyebrows "okay well I got to go bye Jules," she stands up and hugs me "your really pure Diana," she says letting go of me.

I walk out of the house and back to Ashtray's.


I run into the familiar house as it has been my new home, Faye and Fez are like my family

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I run into the familiar house as it has been my new home, Faye and Fez are like my family. I get changed into a comfy outfit and walk up to the fridge and grab a coke and open it when I feel arms wrap around my waist picking me up.

"Hey baby," Ashtray says kissing my neck and I laugh "heyy," I say turning around kissing him we keep kissing and he lifts me up onto the table ledge and he holds my face and I break the kiss to sip my coke.

"Okay I love you but I have to get dying my hair," I laugh and start to open the box dye "whatttt come on ma," I smile at the new nickname.

"I'm sorry but I have to do this before the play," he looks at the time "we have six hours," he rolls his eyes "yeah I know," I say smirking and he picks me up in bridal style.

"You haven't seen me in three hours don't act like you don't want me," I hit his arm "Ash! put me down, you don't understand I need to dye my hair," I laugh.

He flops me down on the couch leaning on top of me and I wrap my legs around him.

I start to kiss him and he does too and it started to get heated until I felt like something was watching me. I open one eye Ashtray is still kissing me to see my cat sitting on the coffee table staring at us.

I sigh and close my eyes again and I move my hand under Ashtray shirt but I keep feeling that uncomfortable stare on me and I remove my hand and turn my head to look at the cat "what's wrong?" Ashtray asks breathless.

"Tray is staring at us," he looks over at the cat with it's massive blue eyes "what the fuck is wrong with that cat," Ashtray says getting off me to pick it up.

"Don't be so mean we are the ones traumatizing it!" Ashtray brings it over to me holding it far away from him "whatevea you say Ana," he says not wanting to fight over it, I grab the cat and put it in Fezco's room and it lay down on his bed.

"Where is Fez?" I ask sitting next to Ash "ion know," he says looking at my lips "Ash I AM dying my hair now," I say laughing at him and he groans through his head back "fine need help?" I shake my head "no but thanks though."


I was eating cereal and with my hair up in a dyed mess of a bun and watching tv it was some documentary and I look over at Faye who was smoking a cigarette and she hadn't said a word to me.

"Hey Faye," I say and she turns her head "oh hey Diana," and she looks forward again, weird I thought to myself.

I hear a loud bang on the door and I see Ashtray buzz the person in and Troy walks inside to be greeted by Ashtray "yo wassup man," Troy says dapping Ash up.

"Yo what you need?" I look back and then forward again as Troy looked at me "uh well I need to speak with Diana," he says in a unsettling voice.

I hear that my eyes glued on the tv and I try and act like I didn't hear them and I sense them walk over "hey Diana can I talk to you in private," Troy says leaning to my ear, him around the back of the couch.

I tense and see Ashtray sit down on the couch in front of me and I look for him for approval, he nods "uh yeah sure," I stand and follow Troy into the hallway and he grabs my wrist pulling me out of Ashtray's view.

"What the fuck did you say to Gia about me?" he whispers, I look at his face which his eyes were red and skin was beaded with sweat "uh what?" I ask confused and his grip becomes harder, "she fuckin broke up wit me, the fuck you say I know you don't like us together."

I try to pull out of his grip as he was starting to hurt me and I look over at Ashtray who is glaring at Troy "Troy I haven't spoken to her since we fought," he pulls my arm forward making me lean into him "your a fuckin lair!"

I flinch and push him off me "piss off, the fuck Troy!" he stumbles back and I notice Ashtray is gone and Troy starts laughing "fuckin bitch, your a whore just like yo sister!" he walks forward and I back up against the wall.

I then notice he looks like he's on something which is why he is so out of it, his hand wraps around my neck and I choke up "tell Gia-" he stops mid sentence as I see Ashtray press a gun to his temple.

I look into Ashtray's eyes which were filled with rage "back the fuck up! fuckin bitch" he shouts making me scared.

Troy removes his hand and raises them "yo Ash, yo!" Troy says trying to calm him "nah man that's fuckin sick don't ever touch her again!" Ashtray shouts still holding the gun to his head.

"Chill out bro!" Troy says and I cover my mouth "stop fuckin talking or I'm gonna have to hurt you!" I stay put as Ashtray walks Troy out then I hear a yell causing me to run to the front door.

"ASH!" I shout as I see Troy on the ground outside of the door with a bleeding nose.

Ashtray slams the door and walks up to me and hugs me "shit Diana you okay?" he asks worried and I melt into his arms "yeah I'm fine."

"I-I think he was on drugs or something," I say holding in tears "I don't care what he's on if he comes near you again tell me," I nod still in his arms.

"You still up for tonight?" Ashtray asks looking at my neck which was sore "yeah nothing is stopping me from going to that rehearsal for the play," I laugh sniffing "I fuckin love you Ana."

"I fuckin love you too."


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