20: School date

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(doing some chapters not rlly based off the new eps bc IF ASH DIES I CAN'T)

(doing some chapters not rlly based off the new eps bc IF ASH DIES I CAN'T)༒❥

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Make up:

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Make up:

I pull Ashtray behind me as we walk through the full school hallway "nah for real we gonna get caught," Ash whisper screams from behind me "Ash this was your idea," I groan holding his hand

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I pull Ashtray behind me as we walk through the full school hallway "nah for real we gonna get caught," Ash whisper screams from behind me "Ash this was your idea," I groan holding his hand.

"I was high!" he shouts in defense "you think fine when your high," we stop at my locker as I pull my books out, me and Ash are trying to make the whole day pretending Ashtray is a school student because otherwise I never seem to go.

Ashtray stares at me leaning on someone's locker "now you can either complain or kiss me," Ashtray smirks showing his dimples, he looks around and kisses me holding my face and he looks cocky as he knows now everyone saw I'm his.

"What class do we have first," Ashtray asks as he holds my waist "uh math," I say as I can't stop smiling "yo I know I'm good at math and you look stunning," I awe at him "thanks so do you."

I lean into his shoulder when I see Rue up ahead.

Rue looks over at me through the crowd and a smile forms on her face and she runs up to me and hugs me "ANA!" she shouts happy as she hugs me and I hug her back letting go of Ash "RUE!" I squeal.

She pulls away and kisses my forehead "I am so sorry and I missed you so much!" Rue says as she holds my face and it finally felt like I had the old her back.

"I have missed you too," she smiles wiping a tear away from her cheek "don't cryyy," I laugh as my eyes water "I am so sorry, none of that shit I did to you was fair."

I nod and Ash holds my hand comforting me "I forgive you Rue," she smiles and looks at Ash and points to him.

"Um since when do you go to school?" she laughs and he rolls his eyes "uh since fuckin now," Rue looks at him judging "wow clam down asstray."

I snort at the nickname and Ash looks at me "that name ain't funny," he looks at me seriously and I try to hold my laugh in but fail "it is I'm sorryyy."

"Oh okay well I'll leave you two love birds to it bye," I wave at her "bye Rue, love you!" I shout as she's away from me "love you too not you Ash," she says sarcastically and Ashtray rolls his eyes.

I sat next to Ash in Math as the teacher called the role "Sarah Jane," I look over at the blonde "here," I then watch as the teacher looks up at Ash then down at her role.

I sit biting my lip as Ashtray taps his pen "I'm sorry hon I don't think your on the role?" she says looking straight at him "uhhhh yeahhh I'm new so I might not be on there yet," he says un sure.

"Oh okay well go to the principal at lunch to get that fixed," Ash just calmly smiles.

I look to see Gena gossiping with some other girl and she leans over to Ash "why are you here I thought you were a drop out gangster?" she giggles looking at her friends for approval.

Ashtray looks her up and down so do I "bitch why you talkin to me?" Ash says as he gripped my leg under the table.

She rolls her eyes "why do you pretend like nothing happened between us?" Gena asks playing with her hair, right now I am just glad the class was loud and not hearing this conversation.

"Because nothin happened that I wanna remember," he says and I smile to myself "oh? so you don't wanna remember us fucking?" I choke as she says that and I see others turn there heads with judgment.

"Yo it happened once and won't happen again, now shut the fuck up" Ashtray says as Gena's face dropped and I bite my lip trying to hold in my laugh.

After class is done we walk into the hallway and I see Maddy and Kat at the lockers and I jog up to them Ashtray following me like a lost puppy.

"Hey Maddy," I say as she looks at me "hey babe," I then hug Kat who hugs me back "hey sis," I say she laughs.

I then lean back on the lockers and Ashtray is next to me "aw you guys still together?" Maddy says giving Kat the 'that's cute' look.

"Yeah almost two months," I say bragging "yo Maddy you look pretty today same wit you Kat," both the girls out there hands on there chest in awe "Ash your cute but that don't mean if you hurt Diana I won't come for you," Maddy says and Ash nods.

I go to say something but then see Cassie and Nate enter the room, Cassie looked very different with a pink outfit and straight hair.

I watch her walk passed us not even making eye contact and I look over at Ashtray who has an eyebrow raised.

"Well she certainly looks the part," Maddy says looking over at Kat and they laugh "she has really lost it," I whisper to Ash "yo for real."


"Hey Ash I just have to use the restroom then we can leave," I smile as I walk into the woman's bathroom and I walk up to the mirror as I correct my make up.

I then see Gia walk out of a stall and Troy follows her I raise an eyebrow and turn around as I haven't see her all day "Gia where have you been?" I ask glaring at Troy.

Gia looks at me and rolls her eyes "um it doesn't matter," she laughs and Troy does too "Gia I'm worried about you, you haven't been yourself," I say as I remember the last couple of days.

Gia walks up to the sink "please don't start," she groans as she puts on lip-gloss "uh, I just want the best for you and I know this shit with Rue has been a lot-" she cuts me off.

"Ana don't bullshit me, your the one barely at school and you can't like fuckin go anywhere without Ash."

I look down at the ground "Gia, Troy isn't a good influence," I say not evening caring he is right next to her "oh and a drug dealer is?" she says snapping and I look at her shocked.

"You said that knowing that Ash didn't choose that life, that's fuckin shallow," I say grabbing my bag off the basin and storm out of the bathroom.

I walk up to Ashtray who is talking with Roy "yo you see my brother?" Roy's asks "yeah in there," I say pointing to the bathroom "hey babe you good?"

Ashtray asks as we walk out of school "I'll fill you in at home."


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