10:Special episode

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This is just to give you more outline on Diana's life)

(Rue narrating)

For as long as Diana could remember she was always over thinking things, now I'm not talking like if you message your crush and you sit and wonder if that was the right thing to say.

I'm talking thinking to the point of numbness, she could spend hours standing in front of the mirror questioning herself, she had analyzed every part of her body till she new the way she had to look if she wanted no one to judge her not like anyone ever did.

Her parents started noticing how she dressed up so much when she was 6-12 they didn't think much of it at first until.

One day Kat and her mother were waiting down stairs in the car, it was Diana's first day of 4th grade but she had woken up late.

She was rushing to make sure that she had hidden every little insecurity some so small that no one would ever notice.

Her mother burst into her room telling her to hurry up or they would be late, any other person would just leave but Ana had her first panic attack.


She found here self sitting a cross from a lady she just met and she was meant to spill all her feelings and to a 10 year old this was scary.

She soon got diagnosed with Body dysmorphic disorder, hypochondriasis, mild depression and slight OCD.

Her parents did anything they could to make it better but soon found east highland wasn't the place to do this.

Her aunty looked after her and here mental health went up 50% this was great news and her OCD was almost gone same with the depression.

The BDD and anxiety stayed but lessened 70%.

Until my OD now I was an ass when I first stared doing drugs I said things and Diana would often over think the worst before I OD.

She would think about finding me dead and feeling like it was all her fault but she found comfort in that it would almost never happen.

That's what her therapist said and told her to think when she starts to become manic.

but the thing is it did happen, all those dark anxieties she had about me doing drugs became reality.

All those achievements went away and she had to start again but she got better.

But never as better as she was.

Then they had to add PTSD to her list.

a/n I did this bc the next few chapters this is kinda important BUT i'm not gonna make it all sad like this

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