15: Crazy times part 2

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'𝚅 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚍'

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'𝚅 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚍'

Me and Ash are still cuddling and Ash is asleep on me as I open tiktok and I didn't realize my volume was all the way up and it starts playing full blast "fuck Ana," he groans moving closer into my neck "sorry babe," I say moving my hand over his head and he starts to full back asleep.

Then Kat calls me waking him up again "what the actual fuck," he groans "sorry but it is 3:00 and your trying to sleep," he looks up at me and pokes his tongue out and I answer the phone.

K- hey sis

D- hiii

K- so mum wants you to bring Ash to dinner tonight

Ashtray looks up at me signaling no with his hands and mouth I just laugh.

D- anyway to get out of it?

K- nope sorry and Ethan is coming too

D- ugh fine be there in 20

K- kay bye

Ashtray groans pulling a tantrum like a two year old "I don't think I can do dis Ana," I laugh and hug him "it will be fine just be yourself okay," he rolls his eyes "oh hey my name is ASHTRAY and I am a DROP OUT DRUG DEALER!" he emphasizes many words.

I laugh and hug him sympathetically "okay maybe just say your names Ash and you aren't a drug dealer except I think they already know that."

We get ready for the dinner Ashtray is taking a long time because he was wanting to make the best impression "Ashtray babe we have to go!" I shout at him he is in the bathroom "uhhhhhh okay, do your parents have a thing about tattoos," I lean on the door "yeah probably best to cover them."

Ashtray opens the door and I fall on him he instantly catches me "jesus we are horrible let's go," I say embarrassed, I then look at his face full of un blended concealer "Ash what have you done," I say covering my mouth.

"What I thought it was good," I touch the make up "you know what who cares what my parents think," I wipe the make up off "I mean I am a totally disappointment anyway," he looks down at me and kisses my lips.

"How can you be disappointing."



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