Dreams and Nightmares

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Hello, my favorite people! It's been awhile. And that is all my fault and I am very sorry for that. The last two months have been CRAZY!!!! But what do you expect out of the last two months of the year for school. Today was my last day, so that is a relief. Let's just say high school softball went great. We won state, so I am now a state champion. Yay, go me!

Now it is summertime, so I have so much more time to write. Yay, go you guys! I was a tad disappointed in the lack of comments and votes for the last chapter. Not going to lie. :(
You've guys waited so long though, so I most definitely hope I will get some more love for this chapter from you guys. Please. Remember more comments and votes, the faster I get these updates out to you.

So without further ado:

Read! Vote! Comment! And vote and comment again!!!!






I practically sprang out of bed as I was awoken yet again from the nightmare that liked to weasel itself into my dreams. The familiar sweat lined my forehead and mixed in with the tears dripping from the corners of my eyes. I sunk my teeth in to my lip to keep myself from letting out a whimper. All I could do was sit in bed, leaning forward slightly to look down at my shaking hands in my lap.

"What is wrong with me?" I murmured to myself. These dreams shouldn't be happening anymore. I've gone through too much counseling and have taken too many pills for this to be a problem.

Miles was crouched next to the bed. His eyes locked on to me as I sat there motionless. It only took him about 5 seconds to settle himself on to my bed. One of his legs were on either side of me with his back pressed against the wall. I subconsciously rested my own back on his abdomen and chest comfortably. Miles's hands had wound themselves around me to hug me from behind.

I was still upset about the earlier situation in our room, but at the moment, I needed him way more than I didn't. This was the second time that he had to wake me up from my nightmares. It was embarrassing to let him see that it wasn't a one time deal.

Tears were cascading down my cheeks in thin streams, pooling on to the collar of my tank top I had worn to bed. My hands were shaking in my lap as I tried to calm myself down. My breaths came out in short gasps. They were the only sound that filled the room.

Another nightmare caused by going to bed with too much on my mind.

We won the game by one run in the top of the 9th. Walker was sure as hell lucky we hadn't lost or else he would never hear the end of it from Coach. The game had given me major nerves though. Every time the ball was hit, I was scared out of my mind that I would make a mistake. The thoughts only continued when I got in to bed, including the angry thoughts about Miles. I didn't know why I had worked myself up so much for one freaking game. Nerves were usually not a huge concern when I played. Focusing in on what I needed to do was something I had never really had a problem with. Why was this happening now?

"Gloria, I'm right here." Miles's voice broke my trance, and I realized my fingers were tightly wrapped around his hand. I let out a shaking breath, trying to erase the image of Chris coming closer and closer. The eyes were the part that sent shivers down my spine. His unblinking black eyes that cut through you. They showed no mercy during the party. Not a hint of guilt or regret. Just sharp blank eyes that almost held a smirk in them by themselves.

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