Cramps and Mood Swings

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Let me start off with I'm so freaking sorry this took so long. I did a lot of traveling over Fall Break. While on the plane coming home, my iPod decided to try to connect to the wireless of the plane. Well, the freaking wifi system it was on deleted this chapter. I had to do my best and not scream on the airplane at my iPod. I about threw it out the window, but the whole you can't open the windows kind of stopped me. When I got home though, it recovered the part I was originally working on, so I had to piece together the whole thing with the old one and the one I had rewritten. Then it didn't save, so I had to start from scratch for the third time. It's still acting funny. It's just a hot mess to say the least.

Anyway, I hope you guys liked all the Gloria/Miles moments in the last chapter. I know I really liked writing them. :)

So all the books I've been reading on Wattpad with romance (which is basically all I read), have ship names for their characters. I need your guys help with this because I have never made a ship name in my life. If you have a suggestion for it, just comment it. In addition, if you have any suggestions for the book at this point, I would love to hear them. Or any comments for that matter. Comments make me happy!

I'm adding the on right before I post this, but I'm not very happy with the chapter title, so if you have any better suggestions that would be good too.

Speaking of comments, I want to make a huge shout out to @memidrug for all her support and comments. Not only has she voted and left corrections, she commented the best thing ever for me to read:

This book is incredible why don't you have millions of reads???

This literally almost made me cry happy tears. Thank you!!!!!

Thanks for sticking with me all those readers out there.

Read, comment, and vote! Happy reading...



The sun was shining outside and the birds were singing in the trees that were lined around the dorm building. This sunny mood was not the same however, in the room. Instead, a storm was quickly brewing.

When the rays of the sun hit my eyelids, they were abruptly yanked open. With the too bright light, I immediately closed them. My mind finally woke up enough to register the cramps that were beginning in my stomach. It was a slow ache that was getting worse and worse as I laid there. I pulled my knees up to my chest and stretched my arms tightly around them. The comforter was wrapped around me snugly as I was currently a human burrito.

The pain was a constant throb at the moment.

Of all days, why today?

When my time of the month rolls around every four weeks, it's the worst five to seven days. The other days of the month I'm already temperamental, but when I'm on my period, my mood swings are horrible. I have major anger management to say the least.

My mother, being a lawyer, can put up with a lot. All my friends absolutely love her. She cooks all the good food when they're over, or we order pizza or carry out Chinese food. She's my own therapist especially during that week. When I get a little too out of hand though, she doesn't put up with it. Let me tell you, my mom is scary during the very few times she gets angry.

Instead of butterflies that should be in my stomach because of the first game, hammers were currently crashing around in my uterus. This is not going to be good. The last thing I wanted to do right now was to get up and have to start getting ready. Slowly craning my neck back, I looked up at the time on the clock. It was five minutes before I needed to wake up.

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