Gameday Jitters

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Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy New Year, and every other holiday. And my birthday is tomorrow too!!!! But, hi everyone!

I'm really sorry this took me forever to write. I have had serious writer's block and the end of the semester came really fast. The last six weeks of school were hell for me to say the least. I am still getting over not having panic attacks from all the stress. Luckily, I kept a 4.0 which was the main goal.

Even though I have two more years before college, my parents are already freaking out on me about it. Not fun.

Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter, and hopefully the next one will be updated faster.

I'm hoping you guys will comment some more on this chapter or another chapter... That would be awesome. I've really only gotten a few comments from some really great people, but I would love to get some more.

Suggestions, critiques, anything is welcome. So like it and comment it up.

Hope you have a relaxing holiday season! Read, like, and comment!!!!!



The fan swirled around lazily, barely sending any cool air down towards the floor. The locker room was small and stuffy. Lockers lined three of the walls and had benches under each wall. The other side of the room led to the bathrooms, sinks, and showers.

I've been sitting on one of the benches now for about five minutes. I had already changed and pulled my hair in to a pony tail with a light blue ribbon tied around the hair tie.

I always wore a ribbon for games. My dad happened to get this one for me when I was ten. It was a light blue color with a silky texture.

It was on one of our early morning walks together at Ocean City. I could remember the day almost perfectly. It was warmer than usual with the tide coming in soft enough for us to walk right along the water. This was the last summer before Dad got sick and we couldn't go as earlier in the mornings for walks. We walked along in a comfortable silence, only listening to the waves break on the rocks. Seagulls swooped high in the sky, calling to each other.

A booth on the boardwalk had caught Dad's eye. It was one of the smaller ones that was being setup for that day. The woman, who owned it, was busily setting out a table with her items. There was a loud bang as the table fell over as she tried to pull out the legs. Several people walked by her, not giving a second glance as she struggled with the booth. Dad tugged at my hand for me to follow him up towards her table. The woman was probably in her seventies. Her white hair was styled in a shorter cut that swept over her forehead. Long feather earrings hung from her ears all the way down to brush her shoulders. We made our way up to where she had sat down in a chair, giving up. Her eyes watched us carefully as we went up the stairs from the beach.

"Good morning," Dad said, kindly. He smiled widely at her. It didn't matter who you were; Dad always smiled at anyone he made eye contact with. His eyes crinkle at the sides and deep laugh lines creased his face. Dad was always laughing and smiling.

"Hello," she replied, peering at us from colorful cat eye framed glasses. Her eyes were a piercing ice blue that were outlined in a sparkly green eyeliner.

"Thought we might help you out with this table," he said. I took this as my queue to grab the other side of the large table. It took the both of us to lift it and set it down the correct way. I could see why she couldn't do it herself. The mahogany colored wood was rather heavy.

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