I Just Like Hearing You Say It

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Hi friends!

I updated finally. I had some time over Spring Break to use, but I definitely don't want to go back to school now. I need more break time :(

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. It's not over quite yet, so calm down. This isn't it.

Do me a huge favor:

Read, like, comment, fan, message, whatever! Love you guys.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

Peeling open my eyes slightly, I was met with a bare room. Everything was white. The floor, the ceiling, the walls, the sheets. The constant beeping of the heart moniter bounced around the room. My eyes were only cracked open, but the brightness of the white made me squint more.

Flowers covered the small side table by the door, and a plaque of some sort sat among them. I couldn't read the writing on it, and I didn't have the motivation to move to see what it said. Where am I? A splitting headache magically appeared as I laid there longer, staring at the white walls.

Everything was stiff. I tried moving my toes first, which took me several moments to actually do. I tried my fingers next.

It was when I finally got them to move that I noticed that a hand was placed in mine. With a lot of pain, I turned my head to my right. I pulled my eyelids open and stared at a very tired looking blonde.

"You scared the living shit out of me," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes tiredly. His eyes were bloodshot and small bags were weighing his bottom eyelids down. A soft smile dawned on his face, lighting up his sleepless eyes. He was sitting on the edge of an arm chair that was positioned close to the bed.

What is going on and why is he holding my hand? He hated me, I thought?

I was so confused about what happened, and nothing was making sense, but the dryness of my mouth refused to let me ask why. Instead, I began to freak out a little bit. Tears stung the corners of my eyes.

I thrashed around under the covers but barely did anything helpful because of my slow, aching body.

Miles held tighter to my hand when he realized I was panicing.

"Gloria, Gloria. Relax, relax. I'll explain everything, but you need to relax," Miles reassured me.

My thrashing around came to a cease, and I glanced over at him. He took his thumb and wiped away the tears that had eventually leaked from my eyes. He reached to the bedside table, where a glass of water was waiting.

Letting go of my hand, Miles placed one hand behind my head and one guided the cup to my lips. I took a small sip before taking a breath and taking another sip.

This process repeated a few times until the glass was half empty. My mouth no longer felt like I had been chewing on sawdust. Miles retook my hand in his. I didn't mind in the slightest to be honest.

"Do you remember anything?" he began.

I tried to think back to the last time that I could remember, but it was so blurry.

I just shrugged in response.

"We were in the championship game," Miles prompted.

As soon as he said that, things began to click in my head. The puzzle pieces began to fit in my mind.

"Oh my God, did we win?" I croaked. My mind raced through the images in my mind of the game. Ellie, my mom, warmups, and then... Stephen.

Miles only smiled softly in reply. Instead of saying anything, he got up from the chair and made his way to the table covered in flowers. He reached his hand down to grasp the mysterious plaque in his hand.

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