The Princess and the Jackass

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Edited (5/29/20)

Miles froze when he caught sight of us. His eyes danced between my face and the guy that had me pinned to the wall. I could practically see the gears in his head working overtime to piece together exactly what he was seeing.

The guy stepped even closer to me, so his stomach brushed against my own. In response, I yelled louder this time, "Stop!"

It was then that the light went off in Miles' head and he finally understood what was happening. He wasted no time in squaring his shoulders and storming down the hall with his hands clenched at his sides. The guy was still oblivious to the presence of another person, so he took the liberty of brushing one finger along my jawline. I shuttered back against the touch, hoping the wall would just swallow me up.

"I said stop," I said again struggling harder in his grip.

"What you don't like it?," he said in my ear. A vivid flashback washed over me like a bucket of cold water and I was sure I was going to be sick if Miles didn't pull him off me this instant.

He seemed to hear my prayers because in that moment, Miles appeared out of thin air. "Hands off!" he demanded, grabbing the guy's shoulder and wrenching him back with the most force he could muster. The guy stumbled back and caught himself just before hitting the wall behind him. Miles stepped in front of me to block the assailant's view of me and act as a barrier.

"What the hell?" the guy said clearly annoyed. He pushed his hair back from his forehead, so I could better see his cold eyes that revealed no remorse.

"That's my teammate," Miles bit out. "Hands off."

"And? I hear teammate, not girlfriend" he said, blowing Miles off. Over Miles' shoulder I could see him straighten his shoulder and resume his full height, which was about two inches shorter than Miles.

"Do not touch her."

"She wanted it. She was all over me."

"Standing in the elevator by myself is not an open invitation," I argued glaring at my attacker. "I could easily sue you for sexual harassment. My mother just happens to be a prosecutor."

The guy seemed to rethink his options more now.

"Get off our floor and stay away from her," Miles said as he led the guy gruffly by the shoulder to the elevator. He shoved him inside and pressed the button for the ground floor.

This guy had no fear though and still had the audacity to wave at me with a smirk on his face. Only when the elevator doors closed did I took a full breath. I fell back against the wall to lean on it for support as my legs felt like they were going to crumple underneath me. My eyes welled up and I looked at the ceiling to will the tears from falling. 

It was over. I was fine, but a familiar feeling of panic was growing in my stomach. 

"Are you okay?" Miles said softly. He took a small step towards me, careful not to get too close. The usual arrogance that I was getting accustom to was gone and a gentleness replaced it.

I simply nodded in answer, worried that my voice would crack if I attempted to say anything. We stood there in silence as I tried to collect myself and pick up my broken pieces. I needed to be alone for awhile and get back in control, probably take some meds to ebb the anxiety that was pumping in my body. The adrenaline of the last five minutes was beginning to wear off and I was moments away from melting down. 

"Do you need anything?" Miles tried again.

After a deep breath, I composed myself enough to respond to him without my voice trembling. "I'm going to go lay down for a little while by myself."

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