Home Is Where The Heart Is

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Hey guys!!! :)

I actually updated kind of quickly this time. Go me!

Anyway, hope you all had a happy thanksgiving and are excited about the holidays coming up. I know I am!

Just a warning that this chapter is unedited, but I just wanted to update already, so here it is. Sorry for the two kind of sadish chapters. Stay with me though. It'll get better.

Vote, comment, fan! Just do your thing!!!

Love, Elle <3


"Gloria, it's going to be okay," Ellie assured through the phone.

I had finally broken down enough to call someone for some comfort. I couldn't deal with any more testosterone. My mom would drive the entire way to New York to pick up the mess that is currently her daughter and drag me all the way home with multiple stops to ice cream shops along the way.

My mom knows me better than anyone else. She knows exactly what I need. However, in this instance, I did not want to be forced to leave, so I called my next best option, Ellie, who would come pick me up in a heartbeat, but I know for a fact that the girl is broke. She unfortunately, has to pay for her own gas, but that has yet to stop her from going on her extravagant shopping sprees.

"I'm not kidding around, Elle. I think I have serious feelings for him," I said quietly into the phone. I knew very well that I had pretty deep feelings for Miles, but to be honest, it still scared me to say it out loud.

I barely slept at all last night because of the reoccurring nightmare that would appear if I shut my eyes for more than five minutes. Instead, I laid on my back for several hours, staring at the ceiling and realizing exactly what I had just done.

When I got on the phone with Ellie, I recounted the events that's led up to the huge mess I was now in. Along with the story was a whole lot of crying and hiccups. I was surprised that she understood half of what I was blubbering into the phone.

"Are you honestly suggesting you might lov-," Ellie began before I promptly interrupted before she could finish her question.

"Please don't say the word," I groaned, slapping a hand to my forehead. It already caused panic to rise to my chest when I said that I had any sort of really deep feelings for Miles. The word that Ellie was about to suggest just might make me throw up.

"Oh my God, you do!" she shrieked over the phone. I pulled the phone away from my ear before she could make me anymore deaf than she already had. Ellie continued with her screaming and yelling. I rolled my eyes, keeping the phone well away from my ear.

When she began to go off on another tangent, I interjected to keep her focused. "Eleanor, shut your damn mouth for two seconds," I shouted into the phone, successfully shutting her up.

"Don't call me that," she whined into the receiver. Nothing pissed her off more than when I called her by her first name. She despised it, so I of course, as her best friend, prodded her with it constantly, which always earned me a shut up or don't call me that. Today, she must really be pitying me because it was usually followed by an insult directed at me.

"Can we get back on subject, so I can figure out what to do?" I pleaded, glancing at the clock.

I needed to be down at breakfast in twenty minutes, but I was no where near mentally prepared to face Miles at the moment.

"Sorry. Sorry. Sorry," my best friend chanted into the phone. There was a moment of silence before she spoke again. "Do you think you ended it too quick,

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