The Secret and the Apology

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I did it. It's done. Thank God.

I say this every time, but I'm so sorry it took me so long to update. It's late for me. Almost midnight, OMG. I'm a loser and go to bed really early, but don't get up until like 11 the next morning. However, I kept my eyes open this last hour to edit this chapter somewhat.

I'm sorry if you find any mistakes, so let me know.

Well, that's all I really got for you guys at the moment. Hoping that we'll get a few more likes and comments this chapter. It's a Miles/Gloria chapter. Give me some love.

So, you know what to do.

Read, like, comment, fan, message me!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Miles, we really should go down to breakfast," I said softly.

We were tangled on my bed. My legs were laced with his as my head rested on his chest. The kissing had gone for another twenty minutes after we had confessed what we had been holding back for a while. We had eventually moved over to my bed before just laying beside each other quietly. Every once in a while, Miles would drop a kiss on my head.

It was relaxing to just lay on Miles's chest, listening to his breathing and heart beat. His arms were wrapped around me lazily, bringing me close to him. It was all so surreal, however. It was like a snap of my fingers that this all happened. There was no questioning or anything. We went straight to the point of where we wanted to be.

We were already late to breakfast because of Miles's resistance from leaving bed and letting go of me. I couldn't protest much to his plans, but my stomach was having its own rebellion, making itself very clear.

"Do we have to?" he groaned.

"You don't have to, but I'm going with or without you," I replied, making a move to get up.

Miles's leg was suddenly thrown over me to keep me from going anywhere. His arms tightened to squish me against his chest even more.

"No, you're not going anywhere," he strictly instructed.

I couldn't help but laugh at his immaturity from keeping me from going anywhere. It was like as soon as both of us had finally confessed what we had been holding secret, we started acting the real way we had been wanting to. Before, it was a more mild and toned down version of this, but now we were really acting like we cared for each other.

"I'm hungry, and you have yet to experience me being hungry," I warned as I attempted to push his leg off of me.

"I'm hardly afraid of you, Little One."

"Little One? I'm 5'3 that's not that little."

"Are you kidding me? You're like a midget. Anything shorter than 5'5 is pretty short anyway."

"Midget? And that doesn't mean I'm not scary," I retaliated.

"Oh, you're so scary. You put fear into my very soul," Miles said dramatically, clutching at his heart to add his emphasis.

"I should," I complained, poking him in the chest.

"Whatever, you say, Princess."

I finally successfully pushed his leg off of me, freeing my body from his tight hold. I squirmed up from the mattress and slid off the end of the bed. Raising my hands over my head, I yawned and stretched my arms. The tank top I was wearing rode up to above my belly button.

"You better pull down that shirt before I pull you right back over here," Miles warned from the bed. His hands clasped, arms folded behind his head.

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