The Knight in Shining Armor Saves the Princess (x2)

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Hi there!!!!! How's it going? Can you believe I actually updated this book in under a week? UNDER A FREAKING WEEK!!!! That's pretty unbelievable for me since I'm such a slow updater.

Thankfully, this was one chapter I had pretty much planned out already. I knew almost exactly what I wanted to happen, so it was really easy to write.

A few of you have been asking for more Miles moments, so here is a chapter with him in it for sure. ;)

Comment, comment, comment. I reply to them! So don't be afraid to go ahead and comment. The more you comment, the faster I'll write more because I will have some motivation. Can we shoot for 10 comments, maybe? That'd be really cool. But you guys are already awesome, so thank you.

Read, like, comment, and you can tell your friends. Thanks for being the best readers on the planet.



The last two weeks have consisted of game after game. Ten games to be exact, and surprisingly, we're 10-0. We were undefeated and I had not played one inning at short yet.

It was excruciating to sit on the bench every freaking game and watch someone else play my position. I couldn't do anything about it, except sit there cheering for the team. The worst was when a ball came to short, and I had to watch in silence as Walker attempted the play.

In this ten game winning streak, there have been several times where we almost lost the game because Walker had screwed up. Bobbling the ball around, throwing it in the dirt, throwing over Miles's head, missing the ball, or just making an obvious error.

I love the kid, but he makes too many errors. One of them is going to cost a win. To say I was getting tired of waiting to be put in, is an understatement. All I want is a chance. One inning? Is that too much to ask for? I don't breath a word to Coach. Never a complaint or negative remark about Walker left my lips. My tactics are however, not working because my butt is still being sat on the pine.

Harrison has gotten some time in the outfield. He's tracked down a few fly balls, but his chances of playing second were as slim as mine to play short. The good thing was at least he was playing some.

Miles played every game at first base. No matter the game, inning, score, or team, he had his position under wraps.

Miles and I's relationship was still a little rocky. We had our good days and bad days. We fight quite a lot about, basically anything. It was growing tiresome to fight with him about anything that he scrapes up to fight about. He'll go digging around till he'll find something we can argue about.

We finished practice at five o'clock today. We don't have a game tomorrow or the day after, so Coach gave us tomorrow off. The last two weeks have been long with all the traveling and playing. I was wiped and I haven't even been really playing in the games. I have been able to hit. For the most part, the pitchers we faced would actually pitch to me. There has been one other time where someone has hit me on purpose. It was most definitely not as bad as the first time, but it did leave a nice bruise on my thigh.

Our team again almost started a full brawl with every guy ready to come running out of the dugout. I did my best to tell them to let it go. There was no reason to fight a pitcher, who obviously has the brain and maturity level of a seven year old boy.

Two other pitchers resorted to intentionally walking me. I'd much rather hit, but it is better than getting hit, I guess.

I walked by myself back to the dorms. The boys were playing a game or something after practice. I wanted to get my shower in before the fifteen of them came trooping in to the bathroom. My hair was in a loose, messy ponytail that was threaded through the ponytail hole in my hat. The sun was beginning to get closer to the horizon, but it was still summer, so we still had about two hours of sunlight.

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