So You're Into Guys Now?

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Sorry this took such a long time to get to you. I had a bit of writer's block going on and of course can sometimes me a bit of problem. Apparently I have to do homework instead of write, which is what I'd much rather do.

Anyways, I centered this chapter around Miles and Gloria to make up for it. ;)

So read! Vote! Comment!



"Harrison and Dylan, 312."

A key card packet was lobbed towards the pair.

"Nathan and Eli, 313."

Another set was tossed across the group.

"Danny and Jackson, 314. Gloria and Miles, 315."

The room key packet that was thrown our way was coming right to me to catch, but a long tan arm suddenly shot out and snatched the keys before I could catch it. I gave my roommate a glare before pulling the handle out of my suitcase to prepare to head to the elevator.

"I'll be ordering pizza in about 2 hours, so be in the lobby area at 7:00. Tomorrow, everyone needs to be down here eating breakfast at 9:00 tomorrow morning. You should already have your uniform on and be ready to go. I'll let you guys go back up to grab any snacks or waters before we leave at 9:45, but everyone should be dressed. Lights need to be out by 11:00 tonight. I will not be doing room checks, but I'll know if you don't follow that. And I shouldn't hear any of you after 10:00, got it?" Coach explained with no room for arguments.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

With Miles not paying attention to the cards in his hand, but to Coach's instructions, I plucked them right out of his fingertips when Coach finished talking.

"Hey!" he yelped.

"Snooze you lose," I sang in reply. I pulled my suitcase along behind me as I speed walked to elevator.

Everyone else was getting their bags together as I stepped into the elevator and punched the three button and rapidly jabbed at the close doors button.

Miles was gathering his stuff and glanced up to see the doors begin to close.

"Gloria," he yelled threateningly.

In a very mature response, I stuck out my tongue. I couldn't help but grin evilly as the doors slid up the elevator. Although a spur of the moment plan, this could be part of my revenge for the restaurant incident. Yes, he apologized and I probably shouldn't get him back for it because it'll only provoke him to retaliate, but come on. Where's the fun in that?

I jumped off the elevator when I reached our floor and raced down the hall towards our room with my suitcase dragging behind me.




As I was passing 313, the stairs door only a few feet away slammed open and a panting Miles burst out.

"Ha!" he yelled, when he saw me rooted to the spot at our door with the key in my hand.

"Damn it," I muttered, pushing the card into the slot, hoping to get into the room before he could walk the 15 feet that he was away from me. The door refused to open as I continued to jam the card into the reader.

Miles took his time meandering down the hall, seeing that I was having trouble unlocking the door.

"Want some help?" Miles asked smugly, leaning against the door frame.

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