Careful, Careful, Careful

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Howdy everyone!!!! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry this took so long to get out to you.

I started school about three weeks ago and I already want to quit. I basically have no time except for school, softball, and volunteering. I'm already up until about 11 doing homework and I am one of those people who needs a ridiculous amount of sleep or else I am not one of those people you want to be around in the morning.

However, I made this a Miles and Gloria chapter, so I hope that somewhat makes up for it. Well I will leave you to it.

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There were clouds in the sky. Clouds in the sky. Clouds. Clouds that were available to block the sun from roasting us as we stood along the curb waiting for our bus.

Over the course of the entire camp, I can not think of a time when there was a substantial amount of clouds in the sky. Every day it seemed like all of the blue of the sky was on full display. Today was different and came with many sighs of relief whenever a cloud drifted by the sun, shading the ground below it.

We had been standing at the curb for the bus for ten minutes. All the times we had to travel to different fields to play, we were never late to the bus pickup area. No one wanted to take the risk of being late, so we arrived ten minutes ahead of schedule.

"Gloria, Gloria." Harrison was poking at my shoulder repeatedly. "Look, it might storm today." He pointed to a far corner of the sky, and he was right. Large dark clouds were rolling in the sky.

"First time all summer," I muttered, watching the far corner of the sky.

Suddenly, there was a low rumbling; however, not from the sky, but from the bus that was coming down the street towards us.

A chorus of whoops left the group as the bus pulled up to the curb and its doors swung open.

"Load your stuff first," Coach yelled, off the bus steps before any of us could get inside.

We all warily put our things in the bottom compartments of the bus, then loaded on to the usual charter bus we take to games.

For every away game, we piled on to the same charter bus that was assigned to our team. Each team had their own, which was provided by the university. All the buses were used for sporting purposes during the school year. Coach kept the routine for every away trip the same. He always made us load all the equipment and our bags under the bus before we got on. He never seemed to help us load or unload on any of the trips, no surprise. We all sat in the same seats every time with our roommates to keep attendance and seating arrangements easier for Rust.

He always chose the easiest route for himself.

So with this plan still in place, I marched down the aisle with my pillow pet tucked under my arm to my usual seat. Miles followed behind me and sat down beside me.

It was different now though. We weren't just teammates or friends. We were something more. The tension in the air was definitely something else.

"Where are we even going anyway?" Miles asked, craning his head to look over the seats.

"Victory Fields, I think. It's like four hours away," I recalled from yesterday's team huddle after hitting.

"Four hours?" Miles questioned, obvious shock in his voice.


"Alright, whatever. Least you're sitting next to me," he draws out.

I couldn't help but smile softly at that comment. "You're such a kiss ass."

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